My form when I am trying to set the Form Recordset gives me an error can't find field recordset. Why would this happen? I think I have everything right I am dim a new recordset and all that??
Dim strsql As String
Dim rst As New ADODB.Recordset
strsql = "SELECT tblCustomer.PoRef1,tblCustomer.PoRef2,tblCustomer.AdminComments,tblCustomer.DispatchComments,tblCustomer.CustCode, tblCustomer.StateLocation, tblOrderStatusCodes.OrderStatusOrder As StatusCode,tblcustomer.custid as CustCustID,t.*,case when t.OrderDate<convert(varchar(11),getdate(),113) then 2 else case" & _
" when t.OrderDate>convert(varchar(11),getdate(),113) then 3 else 1 end end AS ColorID " & _
" FROM tblOrders As t INNER JOIN tblCustomer ON t.CustID = tblCustomer.CustID INNER JOIN tblOrderStatusCodes ON t.OrderStatusCode = tblOrderStatusCodes.OrderStatusCode " & _
" WHERE t.OrderStatusCode In ('AA','AD','AP','AS','RR','CB','PB','RB','HD') AND t.PickUpDate < getdate() AND tblCustomer.StateLocation IN (Select State from tblUserStateFilter where SessionID = " & Trim(gSessionID) & "" & _
" ORDER BY StatusCode, t.OrderStatusCode, t.PickupDate, t.VehicleType, t.PickupTime , t.OrderNumber "
rst.ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection
rst.CursorType = adOpenKeyset
rst.LockType = adLockOptimistic
rst.Open strsql
DoCmd.Echo False
Set Me.Recordset = rst
DoCmd.Echo True
End Sub
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