I'm creating a simple program with menu that will run a specific form when selected.
When I select from my submenu I get a Program error of location does not exist. The location of pjx and dbf files are located in different folders. I had to set my Default Directory to the project folder because it's not running.
code - pjx,scx,prg,mpr files
data - dbf files
etc - images
I found out that my error is from the Default Directory that sets on the code folder instead of data.
Below is my mainutil.prg
How can I set my location without setting the Default Directory?
Thank you
I'm creating a simple program with menu that will run a specific form when selected.
When I select from my submenu I get a Program error of location does not exist. The location of pjx and dbf files are located in different folders. I had to set my Default Directory to the project folder because it's not running.
code - pjx,scx,prg,mpr files
data - dbf files
etc - images
I found out that my error is from the Default Directory that sets on the code folder instead of data.
Below is my mainutil.prg
Close All
Set Default To Sys(2019,1)
DO proc_sets
Public empidvar,deptidvar,formvar,clonevar,lognamevar,deptcodevar
deptcodevar = 0
Do Form intro.scx
Read Events
How can I set my location without setting the Default Directory?
Thank you