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Set InFile

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Mar 13, 2002
I would like to be able to set the infile to be any of these but I get an runtime error trying to run it.

'Set The Input Text Stream
vFilePathIn = "ICVER001.ANS" Or _
"ICVER001.ANS" Or _
"ICVER002.ANS" Or _
"ICVER003.ANS" Or _
"ICVER004.ANS" Or _
"ICVER005.ANS" Or _
"ICVER006.ANS" Or _
"ICVER007.ANS" Or _
"ICVER008.ANS" Or _
If Not fsoIn.FileExists(vFilePathIn) Then
fsoIn.CreateTextFile (vFilePathIn)
End If
Set fFileIn = fsoIn.GetFile(vFilePathIn)
Set tStreamIn = fFileIn.OpenAsTextStream(ForReading, TristateFalse)
You vFilePathIn assignment will never work.

It looks like you are trying to make some kind of pick-list and hand to the FSO's FileExist method for evaluation. The FileExist's filespec parameter requires a string that specifically identifies one file. Wild cards are not supported, otherwise one could use "ICVER00?.ANS".

You will need to put your file list in a string array and then iterate through that array. For example:
Private Sub Command1_Click()
    Dim strList As String
    Dim sa() As String
    Dim ix As Integer
    strList = "ICVER001.ANS, " & _
        "ICVER001.ANS, " & _
        "ICVER002.ANS, " & _
        "ICVER003.ANS, " & _
        "ICVER004.ANS, " & _
        "ICVER005.ANS, " & _
        "ICVER006.ANS, " & _
        "ICVER007.ANS, " & _
        "ICVER008.ANS, " & _
    sa = Split(strList, ", ")
    For ix = 0 To UBound(sa)
        Debug.Print sa(ix)
    Next ix
    Debug.Assert False
End Sub
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