I have a grid on a form and I'm using the Set Filter To in Interactive Change of a text field. It works quite well for any character value (Product name) and numeric value (product number 1-1000), but it does not work on numeric values with decimal point (product price 10.99).
I've tried
If I type 10 the grid shows all records that have 10 as the price (10.00, 10.55, 10.34, ...)but I'm looking for 10.55, so If I type 10.55 I get nothing.
Thank you for your help.
I have a grid on a form and I'm using the Set Filter To in Interactive Change of a text field. It works quite well for any character value (Product name) and numeric value (product number 1-1000), but it does not work on numeric values with decimal point (product price 10.99).
I've tried
set filter to alltrim(thisform.text12.value)=substr(ALLTRIM(STR(pprice)),1,len(alltrim(thisform.text12.value)))
go top
If I type 10 the grid shows all records that have 10 as the price (10.00, 10.55, 10.34, ...)but I'm looking for 10.55, so If I type 10.55 I get nothing.
Thank you for your help.