Some time ago we moved an ASP website from an IIS4 to an IIS6 server. Most pages seems to work, but pages involving session variables are often giving us problems.
Upon logging in to the site, ASP session variables are set to retain the user's account name (Session("UserID")). When browsing through the different ASP sections we are often redirected to a "not-allowed.asp" page, indicating that we do not have access to the current part of the site. This page contains some styling and the following line:
<%= Request("CurrentPage") %> is not allowed for user <% =session("UserId") %>!
The strange part is that, when we refresh the page showing this message, the position of "session("UserId")" is once filled in, then it's empty, filled in again etc. So there is like 50% chance that the session variable is showing to have data in it, while another 50% chance exists that the variable is empty. This would also explain why we can sometimes access the ASP pages in the website and why we are sometimes redirected to the "not allowed-page" during other attempts. Does anyone have an idea what could be causing this?
Best regards,
Some time ago we moved an ASP website from an IIS4 to an IIS6 server. Most pages seems to work, but pages involving session variables are often giving us problems.
Upon logging in to the site, ASP session variables are set to retain the user's account name (Session("UserID")). When browsing through the different ASP sections we are often redirected to a "not-allowed.asp" page, indicating that we do not have access to the current part of the site. This page contains some styling and the following line:
<%= Request("CurrentPage") %> is not allowed for user <% =session("UserId") %>!
The strange part is that, when we refresh the page showing this message, the position of "session("UserId")" is once filled in, then it's empty, filled in again etc. So there is like 50% chance that the session variable is showing to have data in it, while another 50% chance exists that the variable is empty. This would also explain why we can sometimes access the ASP pages in the website and why we are sometimes redirected to the "not allowed-page" during other attempts. Does anyone have an idea what could be causing this?
Best regards,