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Session data gets lost in transit? Cache problems?

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Oct 23, 2001
I have a basic script that prevents reaping of our database, offering only a few records to a user:

if ($_GET[count]==&quot;reset&quot;){ $_SESSION[counter]=0; }

if ($_SESSION[counter]<=8) {

I can reset the counter by simply passing the URL of:
[URL unfurl="true"]http://www.domain.com/page.php?counter=reset[/URL]

The session counter does not seem to be consistently working. I have been debugging the script by placing the $_SESSION[counter] variable in the page title. I watch as it jumps from 1 to 2 to 1 to 3 to 4 to 5 to 5 to 6 to etc...

It seems like it is trying to do its thing but it may be going haywire on proxy/firewall caching. Can anyone explain why this is happening and how to fix? Is there some sort of PHP header trick or should I simply place a 'pragma nocache' meta tag in the HTML header? Or am I simply going in the wrong direction?

- - picklefish - -
I've had problems before on a LAMP box with Mi&cent'ro$oft's proxy software.

My solution was to use Apache's content expiration module to tell proxies that PHP-script-derived content expires immediately.

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i might be a little out of date with the php versions here, but dont you need to
after starting the session?

ive always found sessions to be excessively picky for me..
Do you create variable $_SESSION[counter] some where ?
becouse if not, then i am not sure that you can just do $_SESSION[counter]++; ,

I think you need create variable, register it in session, and only then do with it what ever you need.
The section of code that reads:


Both initializes the array element and registers it with the session system.

The only thing I do not see is code that takes care of the case where $_SESSION['count'] has not been created, but the &quot;reset&quot; command has not been sent. A situation, for example, should a user hit the page for the first time.

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Sorry - I would have jumped in a bit sooner had I known there were responses. My email is being buggy today - which may also account for the oddities with my script. We have an aerial connection to the internet and the recent rainstorms have done some damage to our connection.

I was under the impression that simply stating:

...would indicate that $_SESSION[counter] started as a zero value.

I'll try a conditional to create the initial zero value...

if (empty($_SESSION[counter])) { $_SESSION[counter]=0; }
if ($_GET[count]==&quot;reset&quot;){ $_SESSION[counter]=0; }

if ($_SESSION[counter]<=8) {

- - picklefish - -
Nope - it still does not work - even after adding the new line to establish $_SESSION[counter], the counter is still jumping all over the place.

This seems to be a little distressing since this is a perfect application for sessions.

Following is my config if anyone can see any blatant errors:

PHP 4.2.3

session.auto_start : Off
session.cache_expire : 180
session.cache_limiter : nocache
session.cookie_domain : no value
session.cookie_lifetime : 0
session.cookie_path : /
session.cookie_secure : Off
session.entropy_file : no value
session.entropy_length : 0
session.gc_maxlifetime : 1440
session.gc_probability : 1
session.name : PHPSESSID
session.referer_check : no value
session.save_handler : files
session.save_path : /tmp
session.serialize_handler : php
session.use_cookies : On
session.use_trans_sid : 1

- - picklefish - -
I dunno, your code looks perfect to me, as do your settings (they'd be wrong on a windows box, but since it's working at all I'll assume you're on linux)

I think it makes sense to mention this sense it hasn't been mentioned yet, but does your script pass through any pages which do not call a session_start()? That can cause unexpected results. Are there any frames involved... again, funky results. (both deterministic, but funky none the less)

Other thing I can suggest is to actually open up your /tmp folder and watch the session files be created and changed, see if you can't notice a pattern, a specific time which a new file is created and shouldn't be for example.


Thanks for the info all.

All of this takes place on one page that acts upon itself with a form - there are no frames. Yes - it is served on Linux/Apache. I forgot to test it from home last night to see if it was just our buggy net connection at work. I will also tinker on my local dev server (WinXP/Apache) today but my concern is obviously with the live Linux production server.

- - picklefish - -

One more debugging idea - I actually used it myself and it helped me find the cause of session inconsistencies:

Display the session ID and observe if it changes when the counter goes haywire. You can print_r the $_COOKIE data and $_SESSION.
Okay - I think I have resolved the situation to be that my computer is buggy. I tried the page on other computers at my location without difficulty.

While I will remain curious why my computer is buggy with sessions, I am content with moving on and assuming this script is okay for the rest of the world.

- - picklefish - -
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