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Sess0.Visible messing up my Excel when I close the workbook 1

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Apr 15, 2003
Hi all,

Don't know if this is happening with you.
I have a macro that runs in Excel that opens Extra 6.4 processes some screens, data, yada yada. When my macro finishes and I'm done with the process, I go to close the Workbook and Excel crashes. I've isolated it to Sess0.Visible statement. If it's commented out and I run the macro and finishes (obviously nothing happens in Extra), excel will close normally. What could I do to help with this problem? Anyone have any ideas? Here's the code of the macro i'm executing.
Public Sub Allotments22()
'*  This program screen scripts what's in the excel spreadsheets:                            *
'*  C:\Allotment Process\Allotment Entries into Extra.  For every type their is a sub to     *
'*  perform this since each allotment process has different fields and positions on the      *
'*  screen.  This one is for TR22's.  What it does is open the spreadsheet and then opens    *
'*  an instance of Extra and logs on with the lines 1-6.  And then scripts the cells to      *
'*  cells to the end.  If it encounters an error, it writes that error from the screen to    *
'*  excel spreadsheet and moves on to the next row.  This helps in not having them monitor   *
'*  this.  They will have to check to see what has processed.                                *
'*                                                                                           *
'*  Version History:                                                                         *
'*  1.0                 Kyong-A Minter          Original Program         07/26/2006          *
'*  1.1                 Kyong-A Minter          added logic to put          07/27/2006       *
'*                                              & check for complete & date in end columns   *
'*                                              so user's don't have to monkey with deleting *
'*                                              rows and stuff                               *
    Dim introwcount As Integer
    Dim x As Integer
    Dim excelvalue As String
    Set System = New ExtraSystem

    ' Declare variables to contain the OLE objects
        Dim objExcel As Object
        Dim objWorkBook As Object
        Dim objChart As Object
        On Error Resume Next
' Attempt to get a reference to an open instance of Excel
        Set objExcel = GetObject(, "Excel.Application")
        If objExcel Is Nothing Then
           'If GetObject failed, open a new instance of Excel
            Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
            If objExcel Is Nothing Then
               MsgBox ("Could not open Excel.")
                Exit Sub
            End If
        End If
' Make Excel visible on the screen
        objExcel.Visible = True
' Create a new Workbook
        Set objWorkBook = objExcel.Workbooks.Open("C:\Allotment Process\Allotment Entries.xls")

        If objWorkBook Is Nothing Then
            MsgBox ("Could not open a new Excel workbook.")
            Exit Sub
        End If
    'Exit Sub

    If (System Is Nothing) Then
    MsgBox "Could not create the EXTRA System object.  Stopping macro playback."
    End If
Set Sessions = System.Sessions

    If (Sessions Is Nothing) Then
       MsgBox "Could not create the Sessions collection object.  Stopping macro playback."
    End If

    Set Sess0 = System.Sessions.Open("FLAIR.EDP")
    If Not Sess0.Visible Then Sess0.Visible = True
    Dim move
    Dim move2
    Dim strL2L5 As String
    Dim fieldtest
    Dim strmessage
    Dim result
    Dim result2
    Dim x2
    Set MyScn = Sess0.Screen
    move = MyScn.WaitForCursorMove(3)
    Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:01"))
    MyScn.PutString Range("A1").Offset(0, 1).Value
    MyScn.SendKeys ("<Enter>")
    move2 = MyScn.WaitForCursorMove(12)
    Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:01"))
    MyScn.PutString Range("A1").Offset(1, 1).Value
    fieldtest = Value(Range("A1").Offset(2, 1).Value, 17, 36)
    MyScn.SendKeys ("<Enter>")
    move = MyScn.WaitForCursorMove(6)
    Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:01"))
    MyScn.PutString "1"
    MyScn.SendKeys ("<Enter>")
    move2 = MyScn.WaitForCursorMove(-20)
    Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:01"))
    MyScn.SendKeys ("<Enter>")
    move = MyScn.WaitForCursorMove(3)
    Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:01"))
    MyScn.PutString Range("A1").Offset(3, 1).Value
    fieldtest = Value(Range("A1").Offset(4, 1).Value, 6, 18)
    fieldtest = Value(Range("A1").Offset(5, 1).Value, 6, 30)
    MyScn.SendKeys ("<Enter>")
    move2 = MyScn.WaitForCursorMove(16)
    Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:01"))
    MyScn.PutString "22"
    fieldtest = Value("S", 22, 80)
    MyScn.SendKeys ("<Enter>")
    move = MyScn.WaitForCursorMove(-15)
    Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:01"))
    For x = 9 To 250
        If Range("A1").Offset(x, 0) = "END" Then
            MyScn.SendKeys ("<Clear>")
            Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:01"))
            MyScn.PutString ("cesf logoff")
            MyScn.SendKeys ("<Enter>")
            Set MyScn = Nothing
            Set Sess0 = Nothing
            strmessage = MsgBox("TR22 Input Complete.  Please click okay and check your work.", vbOKOnly)
            Exit Sub
        End If
        '1.1 new change here:
        If Range("A1").Offset(x, 26).Value <> "Complete" Then
            x2 = x + 1
            strL2L5 = L2L5(Range("A1").Offset(x, 1).Value)
            MyScn.PutString L2
            Sess0.Screen.MoveTo 7, 8
            MyScn.PutString L3
            Sess0.Screen.MoveTo 7, 11
            MyScn.PutString L4
            Sess0.Screen.MoveTo 7, 14
            MyScn.PutString L5
            fieldtest = Value(Range("A1").Offset(x, 2).Value, 7, 18)
            fieldtest = Value(Range("A1").Offset(x, 3).Value, 7, 21)
            fieldtest = Value(Range("A1").Offset(x, 4).Value, 7, 24)
            MyScn.SendKeys ("<Enter>")
            Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:02"))
            result2 = Sess0.Screen.GetString(2, 2, 4)
            If result2 = "22S2" Then
                MyScn.PutString Range("A1").Offset(x, 5).Value
                fieldtest = Value(Range("A1").Offset(x, 6).Value, 6, 16)
                fieldtest = Value(Range("A1").Offset(x, 7).Value, 6, 47)
                fieldtest = Value(Range("A1").Offset(x, 8).Value, 6, 62)
                fieldtest = Value(Range("A1").Offset(x, 9).Value, 9, 7)
                fieldtest = Value(Range("A1").Offset(x, 10).Value, 9, 25)
                fieldtest = Value(Range("A1").Offset(x, 11).Value, 9, 33)
                fieldtest = Value(Range("A1").Offset(x, 12).Value, 9, 42)
                fieldtest = Value(Range("A1").Offset(x, 13).Value, 9, 62)
                fieldtest = Value(Range("A1").Offset(x, 14).Value, 9, 66)
                fieldtest = Value(Range("A1").Offset(x, 15).Value, 9, 71)
                fieldtest = Value(Range("A1").Offset(x, 16).Value, 12, 7)
                fieldtest = Value(Range("A1").Offset(x, 17).Value, 12, 15)
                fieldtest = Value(Range("A1").Offset(x, 18).Value, 12, 19)
                fieldtest = Value(Range("A1").Offset(x, 19).Value, 12, 23)
                fieldtest = Value(Range("A1").Offset(x, 20).Value, 12, 38)
                fieldtest = Value(Range("A1").Offset(x, 21).Value, 12, 44)
                fieldtest = Value(Range("A1").Offset(x, 22).Value, 12, 51)
                fieldtest = Value(Range("A1").Offset(x, 23).Value, 12, 57)
                fieldtest = Value(Range("A1").Offset(x, 24).Value, 12, 66)
                fieldtest = Value(Range("A1").Offset(x, 25).Value, 15, 41)
                MyScn.SendKeys ("<Enter>")
                Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:03"))
                result2 = Trim(Sess0.Screen.GetString(1, 2, 78))
                If result2 <> "" Then
                    Sess0.Screen.MoveTo 1, 2
                    objWorkBook.Worksheets("TR22").Cells(x2, 27).Value = result2
                    '1.1 new change here:
                    objWorkBook.Worksheets("TR22").Cells(x2, 28).Value = Now()
                    strrange = "A" & x2 & ":AB" & x2
                    With Selection.Interior
                        .ColorIndex = 3
                        .Pattern = xlSolid
                    End With
                    MyScn.SendKeys ("<PF12>")
                    MyScn.SendKeys ("<Enter>")
                    move2 = MyScn.WaitForCursorMove(6)
                    Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:01"))
                    '1.1 new change here:
                    objWorkBook.Worksheets("TR22").Cells(x2, 27).Value = "Complete"
                    objWorkBook.Worksheets("TR22").Cells(x2, 28).Value = Now()
                    strrange = "A" & x2 & ":AB" & x2
                    Selection.Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone
                    MyScn.SendKeys ("<PF12>")
                    MyScn.SendKeys ("<Enter>")
                    move2 = MyScn.WaitForCursorMove(1)
                    Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:01"))
                End If
                Sess0.Screen.MoveTo 1, 2
                result = Sess0.Screen.GetString(1, 2, 78)
                objWorkBook.Worksheets("TR22").Cells(x2, 27).Value = result
                '1.1 new change here:
                objWorkBook.Worksheets("TR22").Cells(x2, 28).Value = Now()
                strrange = "A" & x2 & ":AB" & x2
                With Selection.Interior
                    .ColorIndex = 3
                    .Pattern = xlSolid
                End With
                MyScn.SendKeys ("<PF4>")
                move = MyScn.WaitForCursorMove(21)
                Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:01"))
                MyScn.PutString "22"
                Sess0.Screen.MoveTo 22, 80
                MyScn.PutString "S"
                MyScn.SendKeys ("<Enter>")
                move = MyScn.WaitForCursorMove(-15)
                Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:01"))
            End If
        End If
    Next x

End Sub
Gimme some clues cause I'm stumped and this sucks.


Why i had to put (-15) is that the cursor could be at row 22 on my screen but on the next screen, it would be row 7 and the only way waitforcursormove would work is that it remembers what the last screen row you were in (22) and I had to make it go back 15 rows so it would recognize row 7. Kind of backwards but I couldn't seem to get the WaitforCursor to work out right.
Thanks Skie for the suggestion. I did try it and it worked somewhat. I made some slight tweaks:
Sub WaitForRows(MoveRows)
    For i = 1 To 100
        If MyScn.Row = MoveRows Then Exit For
        Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:01"))
End Sub
Chose to wait for the exact row position and just had it wait for it. Works great. Thanks for all the help! Excel doesn't freak out anymore when I close it.
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