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Service Pack Install Questions 2

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Sep 21, 2005
We're going to install the service pack to go from 6.7 to 6.7.1. Finally.


1:Is there a SOP or rough guidline for installing the service pack?

2:We've had one patch ( a few dll's changed) so far, so would the service pack overwrite these?

3:Does Unit testing have to be completed when doing the SP?

True enough Boca, In our case the ini settings were portable. We didn't need to change any ini settings going to 6.7.1 as prior to 8.0 haven't found much performance benefit from playing with ini or map settings. Usally, our biggest performance boosts come from changes in map design/flow.

For the most part we tweak our ini file in response to issues. so, if we noted systems with reduced performance, excesive failures or the like we'd have a reason to look at changes....

Alright, I'm getting nowhere with support. 99% of the time, I get great help...but every time I get this one guy (i'm holding back to say his name), he rushes me off the phone with some generic speel about nothing and is usaully wrong and...ugh!!

*sorry, had to vent*

Anyway, I was able to download the service pack off the web. Unfortunately, there is no readme.txt like ManchesterUK said above AND there is a seperate 'patch' for CMGR.

Isn't the service pack comprehensive and includes the patches? Where can I get the readme's?
The readme should be part of the install exe, I thought. So if you run the EXE having it point to a temp folder the readme should be there.

I think I know that guy. Used to work for MS.... ;)

lol, well, he knows enough to get the job, but not enough to sustain the job.

I'll try seeing if it generates in the temp folder.

What about Service Patch 17340 for Commerce Management V7.0 Windows NT_2000_XP for Integration Broker - is this patch included in the Service pack or do I need to still install it before the general service pack?
17340 is a separate patch. Should be installed after CMGR but before 6.7.1.

Service Patch 17340 contains type trees, maps, and Partner Manager executable files for Commerce Manager V7.0.This Service Patch will correct problems in the following areas:

- Issues have been resolved that relate to data utilizing the X12, EDIFACT, Tradacoms, and HIPAA standards.

- Maps have been added to improve resolution of data error issues.

- Aliasing format has been modified to resolve newly defined issues.

- A new type tree called Example_using_partition_EDIFMail.mtt is being added to provide an example of how a customer using EDIFACT data should partition the date field in the UNB Segment if using EDIFACT standards from before and after the change to the date field made in version 99a.

The information in this file reflects changes made since the Mercator user documentation was completed. We recommend you review these Release Notes before you install and use this product.

This document is one source of complementary or late-breaking information. For the latest information on technical bulletins and resolved trouble reports addressed in this release, visit the Customer Care section of the
Mercator website:......

The following files have been modified from Commerce Manager V7.0, and are
included as part of this Service Patch:

- PartnerManager.exe
- cmsvu.so
- Msg_Mgr.msd
- Update.mdq
- EdifAdl.mms
- EDIFinbd.mms
- Edifmaps.mms
- Export.mms
- M4ecmgmt.mms
- Sortec.mms
- TradaInbd.mms
- TradaObnd.mms
- Validation.mms
- X12.mms
- X12tsi.mms
- Alias.mtt
- EdifISO9735-4.mtt
- Edifmgmt.mtt
- Example_using_partition_EDIFMail.mtt
- Export.mtt
- M4ecmgmt.mtt
- Mercadlg21.mtt
- Tradacoms_Audit.mtt
- Tradacoms_Mgmt.mtt
- Utility.mtt

There some interesting notes but I didn't want to past the whole file here.

You should work for IBM support. :)

Did you get these notes from their site?
Nope, Seems like I keep everything but what I need.

I pretty much run tests on the new TX stuff before it goes to our tech services area. Work out bugs, figure out which patches we really need etc... then send off the instructions to the techies of what goes where for who.

Boca and janhes are the stars though. (Boca you can remember I said that next time I call)
Yes they are, but you're 3rd in line. :)

Another question if you don't mind.

CMGR has two patches. 15898 and 17340. Is 17340 comprehensive, meaning, does it contain all the fixes that 15898 addressed?
We ran into our first problem:

Mercator + service pack is intstalled. MessageManager.msl was generated and the system works.

However, when we brought over our first system, launcher.txt failes and errors:

-Map Not Found
-Mismatch in card type between MMC and MSL.

This happens for every system we try to pull over. Any thoughts? We've double checked all directories, and they are pointing to where they are.
The specific error:

Map not found:
Mismatch in card count between MMC (E:\EC\Appint\xPickupNArchiveISI.mmc) and MSL

Map not found:
Map not found:
Mismatch in card count between MMC (E:\EC\Appint\xPGPAll.mmc) and MSL

Map not found:
Map not found:
Mismatch in card count between MMC (E:\EC\Appint\PutISIFTP.mmc) and MSL

Map not found:

Is there something we had to configure when gernerating the MSL's? All .mmc's are in E:\EC\Appint
And here is the event server log if this helps:

Jan 25, 2006 4:27:11 PM
Starting a new Event Server Session

Install Directory is E:\Mercator6.7\.

The EventServer Service is runnning on port 2,000.

The range of ports for running the Mercntsvns/Launcher is 7,025 - 8,000.

Process Per System option is off.

Automatic System Detection option is off.

Automatic Initial Start option is on.

Jan 25, 2006 4:27:11 PM
There are no systems to recover from any previous sessions.

List of deployment directories:


Jan 25, 2006 4:27:11 PM.
Adding System ISI 7.0_NewDev.msl;MessageManager.msl; to list of systems.

Automatic Initial Start option is on.

Jan 25, 2006 4:27:11 PM
Recieved the request Start System for system ISI 7.0_NewDev.msl;MessageManager.msl;.

Jan 25, 2006 4:27:11 PM.
Command line for starting the system ISI 7.0_NewDev.msl;MessageManager.msl; is E:\Mercator6.7\mercntsvns.exe 'E:\Mercator6.7\systems\ISI 7.0_NewDev.msl' E:\Mercator6.7\systems\MessageManager.msl -s7025,7026,7027 -c'E:\Mercator6.7\cmgr\mmgr\resource.mrc'.

Jan 25, 2006 4:27:14 PM.
Cannot recognize if the system ISI 7.0_NewDev.msl;MessageManager.msl; has started. Reason: Server is unable to get the status of the system on port number 7,027.

Jan 25, 2006 4:27:17 PM
System ISI 7.0_NewDev.msl;MessageManager.msl; has stopped with result 0.

Jan 25, 2006 4:31:57 PM
Ending the Event Server session.
OK, not sure what you mean by 'pull over'.

Normally, I'd leave .mms files in a static directory and deploy the mmc, msl and additional files to the appropriate run directories. Here, in developement, we deploy all development files to DEV, QA and UA. But when deploying to production we build and deploy from UA to prod. Prod only gets what it needs to operate.

So, you may have several issues. For those maps you are having issues with, first, confirm what paths you are using in the msd ... Check 'edit map component\map source file' path is accurate. If so, open the map, save it and recompile in the map design tool. The bottom line is that it looks like a combination of you mmc map does not match you mms map and a path error.

Hi Eyetry,

Basically, when I mean pull over, I:

-Open the msd from a separate file server in the IFD
-build all the maps associated with that system
-copy the .mmc's to the Mercator server(E:\EC\Appint\xxx.mmc)
-Generate the MSL on the Mercator server as well (E:\Mercator6.7\systems)
-Bounce the service

It's our SOP for moving changes up etc. All references to the 'edit map component\map source file' path are accurate as well as event server settings pointing to the right. .mmc.

The crazy thing is that it says those .mmc's don't exist in that directory, but they do! And all references in the msd are right! Is there something I missed with the service pack?
Ok figured it out. The actual server user name did Not have permission to that drive! Fixed it and we're on our way. Yahoo.
Anybody have the readme from the Service PACK for Integration Broker? I just want to have a list of all changes. Not the one for CMGR patch...I have that already.

It's in the install. You can read it without installing.

The pen is mightier than the sword, but the sword hurts more!
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