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Serious ASP.NET debugging problem

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Sep 22, 2001
I have a problem that is really getting on my nerve!
I have IIS on 2000 professional..I have ASP.NET..VS.NET..
I have 2 accounts on the computer..Administrator and User1 from Domain Dmn1..
When I log on as Admin I can create a project and debug it smoothly.
when I log on as Dmn1/User1 I can create an ASP application but CAN NOT debug it!!!!!!!!...it says "Can not start debugging on server... Access is denied"
well DMn1/User1 IS A MEMBER OF VS developers group and DEBUGGER USERS group!!!...it also has FULL control on C:\InetPub...what else should I check??...
I really need help!!..
oh..one more thing to mention...when I add Dmn1/User1 to Administrators group everything works fine!..BUT I DONT WANT TO DO THAT!!!..
Thanks In advance ppl..
check the single permissions of Usr1 for the folders of your project Make sure you have full access and also give him full access to the vs.net folders

hope this helps
I know that you said the user is in the debugger user group but check the Domain Security Policy on the Domain Controller because by default I think only Domain Admins are permitted to debug by default.

Hope this helps.
when you created your project, don't change to the result will be access denied because debugger use localhost.

hope this help. --------------------------------
Hugues Gauthier, DEC
Développeur Web

Intelligence Digital
1751 Richardson
Suite 4230
Montréal, Québec
H3K 1G6


ICQ: 2151800
Thanks to All for responding..
well..first..I use also used ip addresses..and it didnt work.
User1 has FULL CONTROL permissions on the C:\Inetpub..
The domain policy grants Debugger Users authority to debug processes!
well...as i was digging and digging trying to solve the problem I found ppl suggesting that I have to be an administrator to debug ASP.NET projects!!..I dont know..is this correct?..cuz as I said when I add User1 to admins everything works fine!!
Apparently, yes, it is. Here's an MSDN article on it:

Look under 'remote computer configuration' section -- last bullet.
I am not debugging remotely..I am debugging locally though!
Regardless, though, it says that on the remote machine (read, the server -- local or remote -- it doesn't matter), someone debugging must have administrative rights.

They just wrote the article pointed at a typical scenario of a client/server type of environment. You just have to roll up the info into a local environment. To write to the app, you'll need vs developer rights, and to debug, you'll have to have admin rights.
I think that this is it basically..!!
Thanks Alot For the Help..I appreciate it!!
I am not sure that is entirely true Link. I went through the article that you posted. It says that giving administrator rights to developers for debugging purposes may not be inline with your security policies. To debugg without administrator priveleges you must add the following line to the web.config file

<identity impersonate=&quot;true&quot;/>

put this line somewhere under the <configuration> tag.
I believe that should do it for you.

hope this solves it.
This is becoming interesting more and more each day!!..
Sorry Zarcom..this didnt work..I inserted the line in my web.config file under the configuration section and it just didnt work!..I also got a word document that states that our problem here can NOT be solved BUT by adding the debugger to ADMINS..I can send the file to whoever needs it!!!..
but in the article link that link9 posted I QUOTE :
&quot;Ensuring that any debugger users have permissions to attach to a Web server process. This means that server processes must either run as the user (impersonation) or that users who want to debug must have administrative privileges on the Web server. (Giving users administrative privileges on the server might not be in keeping with your security policies.) You can control ASP.NET impersonation using the <identity> setting of the Web.config file for your application.&quot;..
How can I make the SERVER PROCESS RUN AS THE USER??..How can I IMPERSONATE the server process??..
Thanks Again Folks For The Prompt Interaction!!..
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