I have a requirement, which requires connecting to Attachmate using VBScripts. My problem is fairly basic. I have tried a LOT of things, but I just can't get the SendKeys operation for Enter to work.
I have tried :
' gobjTerminal is the Terminal object for the current session
' Set gobjScreen = gobjTerminal.Screen
1. gobjScreen.SendKeys ("<Enter>")
2. gobjScreen.SendControlKeys_Transmit
3. gobjScreen.TransmitTerminalKey ([ENTER])
4. gobjScreen.TransmitTerminalKey (289)
5. Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
WshShell.SendKeys "{ENTER}"
6. gobjScreen.SendKeys "{ENTER}"
None seem to work. I am fairly new to Attachmate, right now I'm completely lost. Any assistance would be highly appreciated !!
PS :- A doubt :
in many posts I have seen the following line
Sess0.Screen.SendKeys ("<ENTER>")
What is Sess0 ? And what is its definition ?
I have a requirement, which requires connecting to Attachmate using VBScripts. My problem is fairly basic. I have tried a LOT of things, but I just can't get the SendKeys operation for Enter to work.
I have tried :
' gobjTerminal is the Terminal object for the current session
' Set gobjScreen = gobjTerminal.Screen
1. gobjScreen.SendKeys ("<Enter>")
2. gobjScreen.SendControlKeys_Transmit
3. gobjScreen.TransmitTerminalKey ([ENTER])
4. gobjScreen.TransmitTerminalKey (289)
5. Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
WshShell.SendKeys "{ENTER}"
6. gobjScreen.SendKeys "{ENTER}"
None seem to work. I am fairly new to Attachmate, right now I'm completely lost. Any assistance would be highly appreciated !!
PS :- A doubt :
in many posts I have seen the following line
Sess0.Screen.SendKeys ("<ENTER>")
What is Sess0 ? And what is its definition ?