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Sending Report to email (outlook)

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Mar 25, 2008
Is there a way to have a command button output a Report to outlook email as a snapshot or excel file?
Hows it - this is what I use to send a snapshot report. Run from a command button


Private Sub cmdEmail_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_cmdEmail_Click

    Dim stWhere As String       '-- Criteria for DLookup
    Dim varTo As Variant        '-- Address for SendObject
    Dim stText As String        '-- E-mail text
    Dim stSubject As String     '-- Subject line of e-mail
    Dim stTicketID As String    '-- The ticket ID from form
    Dim stWho As String         '-- Reference to tblCustomers
    Dim errLoop As Error
    Dim stDocName As String     '-- Specify the report to send
    Dim strName As String       '-- Specify Addressee of email
    Dim strTitle As String      '-- Specify title of email
    Dim varFName As Variant     '-- Name for email
    Dim varLName As Variant     '-- Last Name for email
    Dim varTitle As Variant     '-- Title for email
    '-- Combo of names to assign ticket to
    stWho = Me.cboEmail
    stWhere = "tblUser.userid = " & stWho & ""
    '-- Looks up email address from tblUsers
    'varTo = DLookup("[Email]", "tblUser", stWhere)
    '-- Looks up Title for email from tblusers
    'varTitle = DLookup("[Title]", "tblCustomers", stWhere)
    '-- Looks up Name for email from tblUsers
    varLName = DLookup("[LastName]", "tblUser", stWhere)
     '-- Looks up Name for email from tblUsers
    varFName = DLookup("[FirstName]", "tblUser", stWhere)
    If Me.txtCoy = "Ceridian" Then
        varTo = "'"
        varTo = varTo & varLName & ", "
        varTo = varTo & varFName & "'"
        varTo = DLookup("[Email]", "tblUser", stWhere)
    End If
    stSubject = "Issue log as at "
    stSubject = stSubject & Date

    stDocName = "rptIssueLog"
    stText = "Hi " & varFName & Chr$(13) & Chr$(13) & _
            "Please find attached the latest issue log.  " & Chr$(13) & Chr$(13) & _
            "Best regards  " & Chr$(13) & Chr$(13) & _
            "Les Lockett" & Chr$(13) & _
            "Systems Aanalyst" & Chr$(13) & _
            "" & Chr$(13) & Chr$(13) & _
            "" & Chr$(13) & Chr$(13) & _
            "If you can not open this attachment please download the free snapshot viewer from " & Chr$(13) & _
            "microsoft.  [URL unfurl="true"]http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=b73df33f-6d74-423d-8274-8b7e6313edfb&DisplayLang=en"[/URL]
    'Write the e-mail content for sending to assignee
    'DoCmd.SendObject acSendReport, stDocName, acFormatRTF, varTo, , , stSubject, stText, -1
    DoCmd.SendObject acSendReport, stDocName, acFormatSNP, varTo, , , stSubject, stText, -1
    'Set the update statement to disable command button
    On Error GoTo Err_Execute
    On Error GoTo 0

       Exit Sub


    ' Notify user of any errors that result from
    ' executing the query.
    If DBEngine.Errors.Count > 0 Then
        For Each errLoop In DBEngine.Errors
            MsgBox "Error number: " & errLoop.Number & vbCr & _
        Next errLoop
    End If

    Resume Next

    Exit Sub

    MsgBox Err.Description
    Resume Exit_cmdEmail_Click

End Sub

Take it Easy
Man with one chopstick go hungry
Thanks a little tinkering and it works great for my applications. Gonna see if I can call it up as a function but if not coded in a command button will be fine. Again Thanks exaclty what I needed!!
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