Hi guys
Our Kit: CS1000E, Contact Centre 8 (AACC6) and CallPilot 4.0
Long story short here:
We have been bombarded lately with scam callers and ambulance chasers slowly making their way through our DDI ranges.
I've got the contact centre setup to scan calls going to our reception team for what we term bad CLID numbers. We just route the calls to an extension and jerk them around for a bit.
But the callers have up'd the ante by putting an IVR menu infront of the call routing so you have to press 2 or 5 to get routed through to an actual person. Can anyone think of a way to send the menu presses back to them? I've tried recording the DTMF tones, and playing them back via a voice item but the compression on the CallPilot mashes up the tones.
Any ideas?
Our Kit: CS1000E, Contact Centre 8 (AACC6) and CallPilot 4.0
Long story short here:
We have been bombarded lately with scam callers and ambulance chasers slowly making their way through our DDI ranges.
I've got the contact centre setup to scan calls going to our reception team for what we term bad CLID numbers. We just route the calls to an extension and jerk them around for a bit.
But the callers have up'd the ante by putting an IVR menu infront of the call routing so you have to press 2 or 5 to get routed through to an actual person. Can anyone think of a way to send the menu presses back to them? I've tried recording the DTMF tones, and playing them back via a voice item but the compression on the CallPilot mashes up the tones.
Any ideas?