I have created this page where a user can send an email to the desired ppl through clicking on a button. Now I when i created the input tag for the button, I include a sub call for the onclick attribute. This sub basically takes all the email tests are paramaters(email from, to, cc, bcc, subject...). The sub create an email copy. Now, I am not able to send the email if i call a sub in the onclick function. It this the wrong idea. Please advice.
Here is my code:
If oRsSub("pdrStatus") = "CTA" Then
temp = temp & "<tr><td> </td><td align=""left"">" & "<input type = ""button"" value = ""Send Notification E-mail"" onclick = "" & Call SendEmailUtil('sriram.sampath@td.com', 'sriram.sampath@td.com', 'sriram.sampath@td.com', 'sriram.sampath@td.com', 'test', 'this is a test', 'YES' ) & "" />" & "</td></tr>"
end if
please only consider the html section written in response.write
I have created this page where a user can send an email to the desired ppl through clicking on a button. Now I when i created the input tag for the button, I include a sub call for the onclick attribute. This sub basically takes all the email tests are paramaters(email from, to, cc, bcc, subject...). The sub create an email copy. Now, I am not able to send the email if i call a sub in the onclick function. It this the wrong idea. Please advice.
Here is my code:
If oRsSub("pdrStatus") = "CTA" Then
temp = temp & "<tr><td> </td><td align=""left"">" & "<input type = ""button"" value = ""Send Notification E-mail"" onclick = "" & Call SendEmailUtil('sriram.sampath@td.com', 'sriram.sampath@td.com', 'sriram.sampath@td.com', 'sriram.sampath@td.com', 'test', 'this is a test', 'YES' ) & "" />" & "</td></tr>"
end if
please only consider the html section written in response.write