I have tried all the suggestions I have seen so far, I keep getting Invalid Password.
Could not find installed ISAM Files
I am Not using ODBC
Can anybody please give me the Simple OpenDatabase string for a simple Access 97 Password Protected Database.
Before protection I used the following Code....
DataBaseName1 = "ShawVideo(Terminal).mdb"
Set DataBase1 = Workspaces(0).OpenDatabase(DataBaseName1)
I have protected the Access Database just using a password to prevent users changing data.
I know it is something like...
Set DataBase1 = Workspaces(0).OpenDatabase(DataBaseName1,False,False,"psw=password"
But No Luck
Could not find installed ISAM Files
I am Not using ODBC
Can anybody please give me the Simple OpenDatabase string for a simple Access 97 Password Protected Database.
Before protection I used the following Code....
DataBaseName1 = "ShawVideo(Terminal).mdb"
Set DataBase1 = Workspaces(0).OpenDatabase(DataBaseName1)
I have protected the Access Database just using a password to prevent users changing data.
I know it is something like...
Set DataBase1 = Workspaces(0).OpenDatabase(DataBaseName1,False,False,"psw=password"
But No Luck