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Nov 12, 2003
Hello everyone,

Sorry - I've recently submitted the same question but was away for a week and never had a chance to reply to the original thread. This is my script:

SELECT tv.pm_name, tv.tech_name, empl.f_name, empl.l_name,
empl.address, empl.phone, empl.fax
FROM task_view tv, employee empl, role rol
WHERE tv.emp_id = empl.ind_id
AND empl.ind_id = rol.role_id
AND empl.archive = 'N'
AND rol.role_code = 'DR';

This is what it's returning:

Jack Do Amy Jones Amy Jones Burke Ct 888-8888 889-0098 Jack Do Amy Jones Jack Do Fair Ln 876-9888 766-8999 Jack Do Amy Jones Sam Jim Main St 875-8767 763-8787

Basically Jack Do is a PM, Amy Jones is a tech lead, and Sam Jim is a director the the contract above. I want to write a select so that it will only return the f_name, l_name, address, phone, and fax for the director if there is one for the contract. Istead of the multiple rows above, I would only like to display one row like below:

Jack Do Amy Jones Sam Jim Main St 875-8767 763-8787

The contracts will always have a pm and a tech lead but not necessarily a director. If the contract doesn't have a director (DR), then the f_name, l_name, address, phone and fax will just be blank.

Please let me know if you don't understand what I'm trying to do.

I'm thinking there needs to be a self-join for the select.

Can someone please help?

Thanks in advance,


Could you please clarify some things for me?

1) It appears to me that Jack Do, Amy Jones, and Sam Jim all have a role_code='DR', else their rows would not appear.

2) Is there a contract ID or some other value that associates persons with the same contract?

I am also reposting your sample output (in a code block) to make it easier for other to read:
------- --------- ------ ------ -------- -------- --------
Jack Do Amy Jones Amy    Jones  Burke Ct 888-8888 889-0098
Jack Do Amy Jones Jack   Do     Fair Ln  876-9888 766-8999
Jack Do Amy Jones Sam    Jim    Main St  875-8767 763-8787

(aka Dave of Sandy, Utah, USA)

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Thanks for your reply Dave.

Sorry, I mistyped the script. It should be like this:

SELECT tv.pm_name, tv.tech_name, empl.f_name, empl.l_name,
empl.address, empl.phone, empl.fax
FROM task_view tv, employee empl, role rol
WHERE tv.contract_id = rol.cpmtract_id
AND rol.ind_id = empl.ind_id
AND rol.archive = 'N';

The task_view is a view that already captures the names of the pm and tech lead. I'm just pulling their names straight from there. The role table is linked to the task_view table by contract id. It captures the role ids (example - pm, tech, dir) based on the contract. I would need to specify somehow to only pull the f_name, l_name, address, phone and fax from the employee table only if the contract has an existing rol.role_code = DR - meaning that a director is assigned to the contract. If it only has roles PM and TECH, then this information can just be blank.

I hope that's a little clearer...please let me know if you need more info.

The code you posted above cannot work as long as you reference a table named, "ROLE" (an Oracle reserved word). I'll refer to it as "ROLE_TAB" to avoid syntax errors.

Could you please post sample results of:
SELECT * from task_view;
SELECT * from employee;
SELECT * from role_tab;
...for just the rows that apply to your example? I believe that seeing sample data from the tables will answer my remaining questions so that I can propose some working code.

(aka Dave of Sandy, Utah, USA)

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Hi Dave,

I hope this is what you're looking for, if not, please let me know...

select * from task_view:
contract_id pm_name tech_name
145 Jack Do Amy Jones
145 Jack Do Amy Jones
145 Jack Do Amy Jones

select * from employee:
ind_id f_name l_name address phone fax
256 Jack Do Fair Ln 876-9888 766-8999
789 Amy Jones Burk Ct 888-8888 889-0098
977 Sam Jim Main St 875-8767 763-8787

select * from role_tab:
contract_id ind_id archive role_cd
145 256 N PM
145 789 N TECH
145 977 N DR

All contracts must have a PM and a TECH assigned to it but not necessary a DR like example below:

contract_id ind_id archive role_cd
447 197 N PM
447 852 N TECH

Please let me know if you need anything else.


Your post of table contents was extremely useful. It gave me a clear picture of your data behaviour and relationships. It also clearly indicates that the "TASK_VIEW" data is extraneous since all the data you need reside in the other two tables, "ROLE_TAB" and "EMPLOYEE".

To adequately test the SQL code's proof of concept, I added in rows to both tables ("ROLE_TAB" and "EMPLOYEE") that reflect the condition of "no DR". Following, then, represents the data sets and SQL query that reflect a resolution to your need:

Section 1 -- Data sets:
select * from employee;

------ ---------- ---------- --------------- ---------- --------
   256 Jack       Do         Fair Ln         876-9888   766-8999
   789 Amy        Jones      Burk Ct         888-8888   889-0098
   977 Sam        Jim        Main St         875-8767   763-8787
   197 SQL        99         Virginia St     999-8888   999-7777
   852 Dave       Hunt       Utah Av         777-3333   777-4444

select * from role_tab;

 Num         IND_ID A ROLE
-------- ---------- - ----
 145            256 N PM
 145            789 N TECH
 145            977 N DR
 447            197 N PM
 447            852 N TECH

Section 2 -- SQL Query to produce your requested results:
col aa heading "Cont|Num" format 999
col a heading "PM|Name"    format a10
col b heading "Tech|Name"  format a10
col c heading "DR|Name"    format a10
col d heading "DR|Address" format a11
col e heading "DR|Phone"   format a10
col f heading "DR|Fax"     format a10
select cv.contract_id                  aa
      ,epm.f_name||' '||epm.l_name     a
      ,etech.f_name||' '||etech.l_name b
      ,edr.f_name||' '||edr.l_name     c
      ,edr.address                     d
      ,edr.phone                       e
      ,edr.fax                         f
from (select c.contract_id
            ,pm.ind_id pm_id
             ,tech.ind_id tech_id
             ,dr.ind_id dr_id
       from (Select distinct contract_id from role_tab) c
           ,role_tab pm
           ,role_tab tech
           ,role_tab dr
       where c.contract_id = pm.contract_id
         and c.contract_id = tech.contract_id
         and c.contract_id = dr.contract_id(+)
         and pm.role_cd = 'PM'
         and tech.role_cd = 'TECH'
         and nvl(dr.role_cd(+),'DR') = 'DR') cv
     ,employee epm
     ,employee etech
     ,employee edr
where cv.pm_id   = epm.ind_id
  and cv.tech_id = etech.ind_id
  and cv.dr_id   = edr.ind_id(+)
order by aa

Cont PM         Tech       DR         DR          DR         DR
 Num Name       Name       Name       Address     Phone      Fax
---- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------- ---------- --------
 145 Jack Do    Amy Jones  Sam Jim    Main St     875-8767   763-8787
 447 SQL 99     Dave Hunt

Let us know if you have questions and if this satisfactorily resolves you need.

(aka Dave of Sandy, Utah, USA)

Do you use Oracle and live or work in Utah, USA?
Then click here to join Utah Oracle Users Group on Tek-Tips.
Thank you so much Dave...It works...:))

I'm so glad you can understand what I was trying to do...
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