Hello, for many reports we allow users to select the date range via parameter (?Date Range), but also (via parameter
?Date Type) whether they want the report to run by order date, or invoice date. In Crystal we accomplished this by referring to a formula for DateType in the selection criteria. The formula is @DateType:
If {?Date Type} = "Order" then ordhist.orddate else ordhist.invdate
Then in select expert we say:
{@DateType} in {?Date Range}
Any ideas how I can accomplish this in SSRS? I started playing with Select Case statements but I'm lost (trying to put a parameter within a parameter). I'd be embarrassed to show you the code, I'm so far off. As always, thank you in advance for any guidance.
?Date Type) whether they want the report to run by order date, or invoice date. In Crystal we accomplished this by referring to a formula for DateType in the selection criteria. The formula is @DateType:
If {?Date Type} = "Order" then ordhist.orddate else ordhist.invdate
Then in select expert we say:
{@DateType} in {?Date Range}
Any ideas how I can accomplish this in SSRS? I started playing with Select Case statements but I'm lost (trying to put a parameter within a parameter). I'd be embarrassed to show you the code, I'm so far off. As always, thank you in advance for any guidance.