Hey all,
The tables I have are
PATIENT(P_ID, P_FName, P_LName, P_DOB, P_Sex, P_Eth, P_StreetNo, P_StreetName, P_Suburb,
P_Postcode, P_HPhone, P_WPhone, P_OccupName, P_OccupYears, P_Complaints, R_ID, D_ID)
METCOND(MetC_ID, MetC_DigestTot, MetC_EarsTot, MetC_EmotTot, MetC_EnerActiTot, MetC_EyesTot, MetC_HeadTot, MetC_HeartTot, MetC_JointMuscTot, P_ID)
Everything except for the two ID columns is a number out of 10. What i want to do is select on P_FName, P_LName and ONLY output the columns that have value > 5
For example
P_Fname P_LName MetC_DigestTot MetC_EarsTot
Rob Smith 7 6
P_Fname P_LName MetC_JointMuscTot
Fred Fitz 9
Is this possible? Cheers and thanks
The tables I have are
PATIENT(P_ID, P_FName, P_LName, P_DOB, P_Sex, P_Eth, P_StreetNo, P_StreetName, P_Suburb,
P_Postcode, P_HPhone, P_WPhone, P_OccupName, P_OccupYears, P_Complaints, R_ID, D_ID)
METCOND(MetC_ID, MetC_DigestTot, MetC_EarsTot, MetC_EmotTot, MetC_EnerActiTot, MetC_EyesTot, MetC_HeadTot, MetC_HeartTot, MetC_JointMuscTot, P_ID)
Everything except for the two ID columns is a number out of 10. What i want to do is select on P_FName, P_LName and ONLY output the columns that have value > 5
For example
P_Fname P_LName MetC_DigestTot MetC_EarsTot
Rob Smith 7 6
P_Fname P_LName MetC_JointMuscTot
Fred Fitz 9
Is this possible? Cheers and thanks