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SELECT filled from database doesn't display 1

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Sep 14, 2001
Really stumped with this one. I am displaying records from a database on a form. I have a status Select box with three options hard coded. I pre fill the box from the database, but the select box always shows the first option. I have put the same status value in plain text beside it and it displays fine.

Anyone come across this one??
I'm sorry, but I don't understand your question.

Could you be a bit more specific as to what you have, and what you want? Maybe a little bit of code might be helpful.

<td COLSPAN=&quot;2&quot;><input TYPE=&quot;Submit&quot; NAME=&quot;fp_submit&quot; value=&quot;Update&quot;> Status: <%=rs.fields(&quot;Status&quot;)%></td>
<p align=&quot;right&quot;><select size=&quot;1&quot; name=&quot;txtStatus&quot; value = &quot;<%=rs.Fields(&quot;Status&quot;)%>&quot; >
<option value = &quot;Open&quot;>Open
<option value = &quot;Resolved&quot;>Resolved
<option value = &quot;Reassign&quot;>Reassign
This is the relevant chunk from the form: When I put the field 'status' in plain text just after the submit button it works fine, but when I put the same value in the select box, the box always shows the first option value.

Yes it dosen't work like what u r expecting. U need to check the value at each of the option tag and if value matches then u need to select that option and hence the value of the select will be set. It will be something like this :

<select size=&quot;1&quot; name=&quot;txtStatus&quot; >
<option value=&quot;Open&quot; <%if strcomp(rs.Fields(&quot;Status&quot;),&quot;Open&quot;,vbtextcompare)=0 then response.write(&quot;selected&quot;)%>&quot; >Open
<option value=&quot;Resolved&quot; <%if strcomp(rs.Fields(&quot;Status&quot;),&quot;Resolved&quot;,vbtextcompare)=0 then response.write(&quot;selected&quot;)%>&quot; >Resolved
<option value=&quot;Reassign&quot; <%if strcomp(rs.Fields(&quot;Status&quot;),&quot;Reassign&quot;,vbtextcompare)=0 then response.write(&quot;selected&quot;)%>&quot; >Reassign

Any better ideas?

You should close the option off too </option> gsc1ugs
&quot;Cant see wood for tree's...!&quot;
Problem is I wanted to display values from the database which I don't want the user to be able to choose. I think I'll just have to display the current status in a box above and restrict the choices using a select below.

Thanks for your help - I understand how it works now. :)
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