Savok: A suggestion - take each of the separate parts of Malcolm's last posting and make them a new formula field e.g.
formula1 = If Isnull({HOSPITAL.HOSPITAL_NAME}) then "No Hospital Name"
formula 2 = If Isnull({STUDENT.LASTNAME}} then "No Student Name"
formula3 = If {HOSPITAL.HOSPITAL_NAME)={?Hospital} then {STUDENT.LASTNAME}
Place each one on your report and look at the results. This may help you to understand which part is going wrong.
Also I notice the last test is equality (=). This is very precise and if your database is case sensitive or your parameter entry is spelt incorrectly or is incomplete, this part will fail David C. Monks
Are you trying to use this formula as a record selection formula? If so, then it won't work - you should be using something like
//This formula always returns a TRUE/FALSE result
{HOSPITAL.HOSPITAL_NAME} = {?Hospital} Malcolm
I don't think anyone answered the original question.
If your parameter field is a Character field, and the database field is also a Character field then you should be able to add a new rule in the Select Expert itself.
Start the rule by clicking "New" and selecting the field from the database, then select "Equal To" and in the third box, the drop down, you should see your parameter field either at the top or bottom of the list of literal values. Ken Hamady
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