Two table: sales_2002 and sales_2003,with column Period in Sales_2002 having value 2002, and column Period in sales_2003, having value 2003. (among other coulmns)
Constraint is defined on the columns.
An union all is created called Sales of these two tables.
When a query is run with period=2003, the plan shows that it reads both the tables.
Is it possible to constraint the optimiser from quering both the tables ???
Thank you very much in advance.
Two table: sales_2002 and sales_2003,with column Period in Sales_2002 having value 2002, and column Period in sales_2003, having value 2003. (among other coulmns)
Constraint is defined on the columns.
An union all is created called Sales of these two tables.
When a query is run with period=2003, the plan shows that it reads both the tables.
Is it possible to constraint the optimiser from quering both the tables ???
Thank you very much in advance.