Well I thought I had something good on my hands until I received I had spaces in what was supposed to be my first field in the file. Here is an example:
John 1 Main St 555-1212
Joe 2 Main St 555-1313
Jack 3 Main St 555-1414
Jack Frost 1 Main St 555-1515
John Doe 2 Main St 555-1616
Joe Smoe 3 Main St 555-1717
I want to grab the first field whether it contains a only a first name or first and last, problem with that is the names might be variable as there might be more than one space in the name like Jack Frost Jr. Also I want to be able to print the 2nd field as a whole field even if it has a billion different whitespaces. Any help would be appreciated because I've being doing a lot of looking and nothing that can really help me. Thanks a lot, I know it's kind of hard to teach while trying to provide a quick solution, but please comment as well as possible. Thanks again
John 1 Main St 555-1212
Joe 2 Main St 555-1313
Jack 3 Main St 555-1414
Jack Frost 1 Main St 555-1515
John Doe 2 Main St 555-1616
Joe Smoe 3 Main St 555-1717
I want to grab the first field whether it contains a only a first name or first and last, problem with that is the names might be variable as there might be more than one space in the name like Jack Frost Jr. Also I want to be able to print the 2nd field as a whole field even if it has a billion different whitespaces. Any help would be appreciated because I've being doing a lot of looking and nothing that can really help me. Thanks a lot, I know it's kind of hard to teach while trying to provide a quick solution, but please comment as well as possible. Thanks again