Technical User
I have a form that pops up upon opening the application. It detects the username (using environ = ("Username"))and places that value in a text box. A button is clicked and through a look-up the code determines if the username is in a table and if that user name has appropriate access level. If it is, it opens another form. If not, the user is prevented from accessing the application any further. However I have found that when I close down my computer and turn it back on, I receive the following error message when I attempt to access my database:"Object doesn't support this property or method." I have messed around to track the cause of this error. What I have found was that if I go in to refresh the table links through the table link manager, I can go back to the application and it works properly with no error message. The database is split and the back-end tables are on a company network. This only is a problem when I shut down my computer or log off. Is it normal to lose the links to the tables like that? And does anyone have any ideas how I might fix this? I don't want the users to run into the same thing.