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Secure Internet EDI 4

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Jun 18, 2002
Wal-mart has finally made public that they will be mandating to their suppliers to move to Secure Internet EDI. I've seen several other companies move to this as well, but obviously not the giant as is Wal-Mart. Has anyone run into a situation where their customer or supplier is requiring EDIINT? With the recent instability of EDI-VANS, could this be the beginning of the end?
I believe Meijer has been moving people over to AS2 also since last year.
I heard also that K-Mart would also be doing the same thing. t2tone, which EDIINT solution will you guys be using? We began looking at bTrade's TDPeer and TDAccess because of Meijer requiring us to switch to EDIINT.
WalMart, Meijer, Kohls.....I sense that we'll see more and more retailers go this route. I haven't heard anything on KMart, what protocol will they be supporting?

For EDIINT, we're going w/Trailblazer. We already use their ftp product and are very happy with it. I don't think you have to own btrade to trade with Meijer, is that correct? I thought that was the point of AS2.
KMart will be using AS2 also, and yes you don't have to own bTrade to trade with them. We're looking at iSoft also but they're kind of expensive, how's the Trailblazer solution you're looking at, $ wise?
We also use Trailblazer software for FTP and IP communications (AS1 and AS2 is available). Trailblazer is the most economical that I am aware of -- however, it is an AS400-based package. They have a solid product and excellent technical support.
Walmart and Meijer are definitly doing EDIINT today. The company I am contracting with has been working with them for several months on this conversion. We use Cyclone for the EDIINT communications between these TP.

I found the Trailblazer solution very reasonable - well worth investigating. Did I read on another thread that you're PC-based? We're 400-based, however, I did get a newsletter from them stating that they do have a PC product. Maybe that will help in your search. How expensive is isoft?

your client has been testing with Wal-mart for a few months already?

I'll look into Trailblazer :) yeah, we're PC-based. I think iSoft struck a deal with Wal-mart for a $0 license + $300 annual maintenance deal, but it's a single TP license only for Walmart, each additional TP costs $2000 extra for 1-20 TP and $1000 a piece extra if 20-50 I heard and for 50+ tp $500 a piece.

I can see how isoft can become expensive. Let me know how things work out for you. If I can be of any help, you can contact me off-list at tommy8675@yahoo.com
Interesting article from Gartner that someone posted on another thread. I thought it bears repeating on this thread since it is Walmart related. Gartner provides a good basis for making AS2 software compatibility purchasing decisions:

Got to keep an eye on the future.
You are correct in that Wal-Mart is mandating all trading partners migrate to AS2. Meijer also made this move last spring although Meijer will do AS1 with their trading partners if necessary. Btrade's TDAccess solution for Meijer trading partners is a single trading partner option priced in the $2,000-$2,500 range. For use with multiple trading partners, I was told an upgrade to TDManager is necessary which would cost an additional $6,500. We use Btrade's TDAcess for Meijer solution but are currently looking at Cleo's Lexicom. In addition to Wal-Mart's AS2 mandate, anyone trading with Wal-Mart's subsidiaries will also eventually be required to make a move to AS2.
You may want to check out IP*Works! EDI at
It includes AS2 (sender/receiver) and FTP/S. Pricing will be in the $1,500 for unlimited trading partners.

These are software components (.NET with ActiveX/COM, Delphi, C++, etc.. on the way). As such, they offer a lot more flexibility than monolithic server solutions.

I do not see where IP*WORKS has been tested and certified for AS2 interoperability by the Drummond Group. They are also not "in the queue" for testing. Do you know if they have plans to become certified?

The price is very enticing, but without being a certified provider I don't know how much acceptance they will get within the grocery industry.

The Drummond Group refused to certify our implementation because they do not certify components, but only "full products that are not programmable" (whatever that means).

I personally am not impressed at all with the Drummond Group. It appears what they are really after is protecting their testing "franchise" and the ability to charge exorbitant fees. At the same time, AS2 is so simple, there is really no need to go through interoperability testing with every product out there.

If the Drummond Group really cared about the industry, they would do testing against a reference implementation of the standard, instead of testing every product against every other product and exponentially increasing their work (and the fees they collect).

From the vantage point of a decade of experience with Internet Protocols, with almost every Fortune 500 using our IP components, I can tell you with assurance that the Internet relies on many protocol stacks vastly more complicated than AS2. Yet everything works and interoperates without any real need for an "overseer" like the Drummond Group.

If the "grocery industry" thinks otherwise, well, as long as they are willing to pay for it, that's really their problem. All I can tell you is that we have pilots (IP*Works! EDI is still Beta at this time) with a number of companies, and the Drummond certification issue has never come up.


What's your answer to Wal-Mart and Meijer who mandate that in order to trade with them you need to be using a UCC/Drummond certified AS2 product?

Could someone please explain exactly how the EDIINT for Trailblazer works? Am i wrong by thinkings the EDI information is sent via Emails?? Wouldn't this dramtically slow down the system.

Please explain or let me know of a web site that can help me understand this better.

> What's your answer to Wal-Mart and Meijer who mandate that in order to trade with
> them you need to be using a UCC/Drummond certified AS2 product?

IMHO, I doubt this will last very long. Once people start realizing how much they have been paying and for what, I think we will see some cracks on that facade (IMHO of course).
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