Mucking around with the controller again, I crated a port to send out the ACD reatime events. But it seems this information is coded. Is there some kind of translation table out there?
I spent a little time looking for an answer and found nothing. Seems to me there was an old document for the SX2000 about a hundred years ago that defined the codes. Maybe someone reading here has it.
I think this is what you are looking for it is in the folio Edocs. Sorry about the formatting
STX ASCII start of text. Hex value 2.
REC NUM This is a two character field that contains the record number. This field goes from ’00’ to ’99’. After the ’99’ th record, the numbers cycle back to ’00’.
FUNCTION/EVENT The following function codes are used for event records:
A agent login
B agent logout
C set DND
D remove DND
E set make busy
F remove make busy
G answer ACD call
H answer personal call
I originate CALL
J agent idle
K group report
L work timer start
M work timer expire
N call hold
O hold retrieve
P hold abandon
Q path report
R refresh reports
S answered remote ACD call
T agent ringing
U agent end ringing
TIME This six character field displays the time in 24-hour format.
DIRECTORY NUMBER The directory number is a seven character field.
AGENT ID This seven character field displays the agent ID. Blanks in this field means an agent is not logged in.
BUTTON NUMBER Note: If ACD Make Busy Reason Codes are used, the reason code is placed in the Button Number field.
This field is the button number of the line appearance that initiated the event. Events that are line appearance independent, have a button number of zero. The following events always have a button number of zero:
• agent log on
• agent log off
• work timer start
• work timer end
• set make busy
• remove make busy
• set DND
• remove DND event.
The call events that have button numbers are:
• answer ACD call
• answer personal call
• originate call
• agent idle
• call hold
• call hold retrieve
• call hold abandon.
ETX End of text. Hex value 3.
Sorry the first one is for the 2000/3300 this is from the 200 Edocs and it looks basiclly the same. Again sorry the formatting
Record Formats
The basic call format for call events is shown below. The STX and ETX characters are not printable. Therefore, you will not generally see these characters. Note that all ASCII characters are enclosed in single quotes.
Figure: Basic Call Format
The agent status format is shown below.
Figure: Agent Status Format
The Agent Group report is generated each time the caller enters or leaves an ACD queue and when the agent answers a call.The basic format for the agent group report is shown below.
Figure: Agent Group Format
The ACD Path report is generated under the same conditions as the Agent Group report, that is, each time the caller enters or leaves an ACD queue and when the agent answers a call.The basic format for the ACD Path report is shown below.
Figure: ACD Path Format
The Time report is sent every 60 seconds. The basic format for the Time report is shown below.
Figure: Time Report Format
ASCII start of text. Hex value 2.
This is a two character field that contains the record number. This field goes from ’00’ to ’99’. After the ’99’ th record, the numbers cycle back to ’00’.
The following function codes are used for event records:
’A’ agent login
’B’ agent logout
’C’ set Do Not Disturb (DND)
’D’ remove DND
’E’ set make busy
’F’ remove make busy
’G’ answer ACD call
’H’ answer non-ACD call
’I’ originate a call
’J’ agent status
’K’ agent group report
’L’ work timer start
’M’ work timer expire
’N’ hold activate
’O’ hold retrieve
’P’ hold abandon
’Q’ path report
’R’ time report
This six-character field displays the time in 24-hour format.
The directory number is a seven-character field.
This seven-character field displays the agent ID. Blanks in this field means an agent is not logged in.
This field is the button number of the line appearance that initiated the event. A button number of one designates the prime line. A button number of 99 designates line key numbers on PKMs that are above 99. All line key numbers above 99 will default to 99.
Events that are line appearance independent, have a button number of one. The following events always have a button number of one:
• Agent log in
• Agent log out
• Work timer start
• Work timer end
• Set make busy
• Remove make busy
• Set DND
• Remove DND event.
The call events that have button numbers are:
• Answer ACD call
• Answer Non-ACD
• Originate call
• Agent status
• Call hold
• Call hold retrieve
• Call hold abandon.
The agents status has four codes:
Idle = '0'
Make busy = '2'
DND = '1'
Make Busy and DND = '3'
The version field has two characters that display the version number for the ACD reporting functionality.
End of text. Hex value 3.
Call Events
Call events are generated only for ACD agents. A report is generated with the following agent activities:
• Agent log in
• Agent log out
• Set do not disturb
• Remove do not disturb
• Set make busy
• Remove make busy
• Answer ACD call
• Answer Non-ACDl call
• Originate a call
• Agent status
• Work timer start
• Work timer expire
• Call hold
• Call hold retrieved
• Call hold abandoned.
Agent Log In
This record is generated each time an agent successfully logs on. The extension number is the prime line of the ACD set that an agent logs on to.
Agent Log Out
This record is generated whenever an agent successfully logs out. The extension number is the prime line of the ACD set that an agent is logs out of.
Set Do Not Disturb
This record is generated whenever an agent sets DND. The records do not differentiate between setting DND locally and remotely (for example, an attendant). The extension number reported is always the prime line of the ACD extension.
Remove Do Not Disturb
This record is generated whenever an agent removes DND. The extension number is always the prime line of the ACD extension.
Set Make Busy
This record is generated whenever an extension is placed on the ‘Make Busy’ state. The extension number is always the prime line of the ACD extension.
Remove Make Busy
This record is generated whenever an extension has removed the "Make Busy" state.The extension number is always the prime line of the ACD extension.
Answer ACD Call
This record is generated whenever an agent answers a call that was directed to the ACD hunt group to which the call was placed.The event record contains Agent ID and extension number (hunt group number that the call was placed to).
Answer Non-ACD Call
All non-ACD hunt group calls are included in this category. The extension number is always the prime line of the ACD extension that answered.
Originate Call
This record is generated whenever an agent originates a call and enters a conversation. A record is not generated under the following conditions; entering a feature access code, dialing an invalid number, or hanging up before the called party answers. The extension number of the agent is any line on the ACD set that originates the call.
Agent Status
Agent Status is generated when the agent completes an originated call or when the agent completes a non-ACD call (no work timer has been started).
Work Timer Start Event
This record is generated when an agent terminates an ACD call and the work timer is started for that agent.
Work Timer Expire Event
This record is generated when the work timer expires for that agent.
Call Hold Event
When an agent places a call on hold, a record is generated for that line appearance. If the agent places another call or answers a call on a second line, the call event record for the new line will not cause confusion for the reporting package.
Hold Retrieve Event
When the held call is retrieved, a record is generated for that line indicating that the agent is now busy on that line.
Hold Abandon Event
When the held call is abandoned (the caller hangs up), a record is generated for that line.
Call Event Record Examples
This following examples show a real time event in a modified format to enhance readability. Path 001 has a directory number of 8800, agent 1007 is logged in on set directory number 2007. A work timer is programmed.
In this example, agent 1007 answers a call for path 8800 and completes the call.
STX 01 Answer ACD Call 12:23:07 8800 1007 01 ETX
STX 02 Work Timer Start 12:23:37 2007 1007 01 ETX
STX 03 Work Timer Expire 12:23:47 2007 1007 01 ETX
Group Statistics Events
This record is generated for each agent group assigned real time events in the ACD Agent Group form.
The group statistics event is modified to identify the agent group by its ID number.
Group Statistics Event Example
STX 01 Group Statistics 12:23:27 003 5 1 001133 ETX
The group statistics event indicates agent group id 003, has 5 calls waiting, 1 free agent and the longest waiting caller has been queued for 0 hours, 11 minutes, 33 seconds.
Path Statistics Events
This record is generated each time there is an activity on the path.
The path statistics event is modified to identify the path by its ID number.
Path Statistics Event Example
STX 01 Path Statistics 12:23:27 123 3 00 002408 ETX
The path statistics event indicates path 123, has 3 calls waiting, 0 free agents and the longest waiting caller has been queued for 0 hours, 24 minutes, 8 seconds.
Time Report Event
This record is generated once at the start of each new cycle of agent group and path statistic events. A record is generated every minute.
Time Report Event Example
STX 01 Time Report 12:23:27 19991231 00 ETX
The time report event signifies the start of new cycle of group and path statistic events. The event provides the current system date (i.e. in the example Dec. 31,1999) as data and also states the version number (00) of the ACD reporting functionality.
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