Have 2 tables - Contacts and Facilitators. Some Contacts are Facilitators. Facilitators have additional data we collect therefore the 2 tables. <br><br>Built the second form based on a query of Facilitators table and includes the Name fields from the Contact table. Created button on Contacts form to open Facilitators form and display the Name of Contact. However, the Name does not display. The Filter property indicates it found the correct Contact ID. Is there maybe a problem with my table design?<br><br>tblContact<br>ContactID (p.k.)<br>strLName<br>strFName<br><br>tblFacilitators<br>ContactID (p.k.)<br>mmoBio<br>strUsername<br>strPassword<br><br>Should I have a different p.k. in the Facilitators table? And then have the ContactID be a number, long integer type?<br><br>Thanks in advance.<br><br>