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searching for the mags...

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Dec 13, 2002
Recently, i've gone way over my head with this project. mainly because i joined the qb scene about 3 years too late... you may have guessed from the title that i'm searching for qb magazines. that is true. so far, i have discovered there are these mags:

qb tm (have all of them)
qb on acid (have first 3)
qb times (have first 4, number 4 is roughly translated from german)
qb gazette (can't find hide nor hair)
qb chronicles (have all)
qb cult mag (have all)
qb gamer (can't find)
basix fanzine (only have first 15)
qbnews (haven't looked yet)

i came here because i hoped someone could help me. if someone has downloaded ANY of the mags i'm missing, please email it/them to me, or post it here. when i get as many as i can, then i plan to upload them in an archive in as many places as i can. the mags are incredible pieces of qb history, and one can learn much from them. if anyone has anything, please give it to me. thank you all.
edit: i have found all of the basix fanzines.
wee!!! i'm so happy :D i recently came into contact with tek, and he gave me the old qb gazette mags. YES! SUCCESS!!! i was just so happy i just had to post.
sure! but i'm afraid i can't email them to you, as it's 16 megs zipped! so you'll have to go to you can download it from there. the link should be on the front page. near the top of the screen. soemthing like, "qbasic magazines archive"
heh heh, your welcome. i konw it's a very large file, but also very rewarding. that archive probably has all of the qb history since 1990-2000. (only three years missing from the start: oh well.) start with the qb times. that's the very first mag that came out. when i get the paper, i plan on printing off all the mags and putting it all in a binder.
btw, if you guys want the qb on acid magazines (a very good publication. you don't want it missing from the archive!) you can pester nekrophidius to send it to me (or you) here. dave@nodtveidt.net
That's a great idea! I think I'll do that too. QB on Acid?? I'll write Dave first thing in the morning! heh heh
don't bother... dave wrote me back, and he told me that qb on acid no longer exists... he told me that the cd it was on must have been corrupted by the ocean air. too bad. it was a great publication... :*(
hold the phone! nek just emailed me telling me that he managed to find issues 6,7, and 8 the last three) so it's not a total loss. (only 4 and 5 missing: pretty good) you can get it at:

or something like that. if it doesn't work take off the qboa.
Great! Thanks! I downloaded all of them. Issue #9 was there too, but it wasn't a very long one. Long live QB! :eek:)
issue 9 was done very quickly, just to show that qb on acid was being revived. if you want to write an article for it, go ahead! nek wants everyone that wants to write an article to go ahead and write one.
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