Filip Brnic
Hello, I have a grid in my form and i wanna be able to, lets say on keypress, anywhere on the screen or maybe in a textbox, start searching for a certain record in field ime.list1 now i know how to get to that record with the define window etc, then using save noapp nomod nodel, but i wanna elevate this so i can just simply start typing C and it starts showing me the records starting on C, and when i start typing Co, it shows me lets say Coca cola if its the first alphabetical record, But i wanna be able to like stop searching for C records, so i type Coc, and then i give up, when i press lets say the 4th key, it starts searching again, idk if this is possible, In my agency we have a code that does that but right now i dont have access to it since my mentor is not there for sometime, and i wanna learn about this, of course, im not really asking for a whole code to just copy, since its probably a little harder what im asking, but i want some directions i guess...