I have a form which contains a subform. The link between the two is the Acquisition #. The key field of the subform is the Control #. The Control # is the main field in most of the relationships to the other tables (the one side of the relationship). Anyway, I have a form I do my searching from with combo boxes to select field options for the main form. The search button activates a query with that combo as the criteria, this returns the main form and the related subform data. My problem is searching by Control #. It seems as though I can't use the same setup of using the query and returning the information because the LinkMaster and Child fields connection would be going in the opposite direction (subform to main form). So when I try to set up a query with the criteria as the control # on the subform, it doesn't work. It works if I have the macro open just the subform and not the whole thing, but that defeats the purpose. Please help if I haven't you confused too much with ym description. Sean.
P.S. Also let me know if I am going about serching records the hard way with criteria in queries.
P.S. Also let me know if I am going about serching records the hard way with criteria in queries.