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Scripts to write scripts 3

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Jun 21, 2000
I have gotten pretty good at writing SQL that generates other SQL. But try as I might, I can't figure out how to add this twist to it.

I have a call history table that has a record with data for each call into our system. I need to move this data from one schema to another in. Since there may be hundreds of thousands of rows, I want to move a days worth, commit it, move another days worth, etc. In the past, I have written out the script for one day, copy and pasted it for the number of days to move, and then editted each line manually to set the date.

I get the feeling this would be done using an IN clause and a sub-query to populate the DISTINCT TRUNC dates of the data. The basic query for one day would be:
insert into easl_prod_history.call_history 
   select * from easl_prod.call_history 
   where trunc(call_date) = '09-APR-07'; 
Any Suggestions?

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What about a variable date, using sysdate ?
Are you restricted to SQL only?
Maybe a loop in PL/SQL: sysdate-1, ..., sysdate-n
You needn't adjust dates every time you call the program.

hope this helps

Is yours a script that you run manually on an ad hoc basis? Do you want the script to prompt for the earliest date or a date range?

(aka Dave of Sandy, Utah, USA)
[I provide low-cost, remote Database Administration services: www.dasages.com]
Thanks for responding. In this instance it would be run on an adhoc basis. But really, I am just wanting to learn how to do this for any adhoc instance.

So, in this case, for every grouping of trunc(date) data in the table, I want to move the data, and commit it. An example would be I have data like the following in a table:
01-JAN-07   0001
01-JAN-07   0002
02-JAN-07   0002
03-JAN-07   0003
Based off this sample data in a table, I would run this script and it would create a set of scripts like the following:
insert into easl_prod_history.call_history 
   select * from easl_prod.call_history 
   where trunc(call_date) = '01-JAN-07'; 
insert into easl_prod_history.call_history 
   select * from easl_prod.call_history 
   where trunc(call_date) = '02-JAN-07'; 
insert into easl_prod_history.call_history 
   select * from easl_prod.call_history 
   where trunc(call_date) = '03-JAN-07'; 
Let me know if you need any more info...

Thanks again.

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Please make sure your post is in the CORRECT forum, has a descriptive title, gives as much detail to the problem as possible, and has examples of expected results. This will enable me and others to help you faster...
Try this out

set define off
spool C:\insertscript.sql
cursor cr1 is select distinct call_date call_date from call_history order by 1;
v_str varchar2(2000);
for crec in cr1
  v_str := 'insert into easl_prod_history.call_history ';
  v_str := v_str || ' select * from easl_prod.call_history' ;
  v_str := v_str || ' where trunc(call_date) = to_date(''';
  v_str := v_str || to_char(crec.updt_dt,'dd-mon-yyyy') || ''',''dd-mon-yyyy'')';
end loop;
spool off

and then run C:\insertscript.sql from SQL prompt


Sorry for the late response. Thanks Engi. I will give this a try and post a response if it does what I am looking for.

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Please make sure your post is in the CORRECT forum, has a descriptive title, gives as much detail to the problem as possible, and has examples of expected results. This will enable me and others to help you faster...
Why not setup a third schema that has select permissions on the first table and insert permissions on the second. Then all you would have to do is a simple

insert into easl_prod_history.call_history
select * from easl_prod.call_history
where call_date between to_date('01-jan-2007','dd-mon-yyyy') and to_date('05-jan-2007','dd-mon-yyyy');

Oracle DBA/Developer
New York State, USA
Sorry Bill, I think you are missing the question. There are too many records in this table to move them over at once like you describe. So I am wanting to learn how to write a script that will go through a large table and create a set of "move and commit" scripts so that I don't blow any rollback buffers, etc.

I tried the suggestion above, but it keeps erroring out. I created a couple test tables to play with this script and then modified the script as follows:
 set define off;
spool C:\test.sql;
cursor cr1 is select distinct call_date call_date from call_history order by 1;
v_str varchar2(10000);
for crec in cr1
  v_str := 'insert into test2 ';
  v_str := v_str || ' select * from test' ;
  v_str := v_str || ' where trunc(call_date) = to_date(''';
  v_str := v_str || to_char(crec.call_date,'dd-mon-yyyy') || ''',''dd-mon-yyyy'')';
end loop;
spool off;

* General Disclaimer - Please read *
Please make sure your post is in the CORRECT forum, has a descriptive title, gives as much detail to the problem as possible, and has examples of expected results. This will enable me and others to help you faster...
Duh... I guess it might help to know what the errors are. With the above script, I get the following error:
spool off;
ERROR at line 15:
ORA-06550: line 15, column 1:
PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "SPOOL"
If I comment out the SPOOL commands, the procedure runs, but I get no output.

* General Disclaimer - Please read *
Please make sure your post is in the CORRECT forum, has a descriptive title, gives as much detail to the problem as possible, and has examples of expected results. This will enable me and others to help you faster...

Your code should, instead, look like the following (with changes in bold):
set define off;
spool C:\test.sql;
[b]set serveroutput on[/b]
cursor cr1 is select distinct call_date call_date from call_history order by 1;
v_str varchar2(10000);
for crec in cr1
  v_str := 'insert into test2 ';
  v_str := v_str || ' select * from test' ;
  v_str := v_str || ' where trunc(call_date) = to_date(''';
  v_str := v_str || to_char(crec.call_date,'dd-mon-yyyy') || ''',''dd-mon-yyyy'')';
end loop;
spool off;
Note the "set serveroutput on" SQL*Plus command that opens an output stream to your screen, and note the terminating slash ("/") following the "end;" statement. The slash tells the PL/SQL interpretter to treat the previous code as a block..."spool off" is certainly not part of the PL/SQL block since it is SQL*Plus (and PL/SQL cannot recognize/process any SQL*Plus commands).

Also note that no SQL*Plus commands require a semi-colon (";")...it doesn't hurt to use them, but they are extraneous. Therefore, the semi-colons at the end of your...
set define off;
spool C:\test.sql;
spool off;
...lines are all extraneous.

Let us know what happens following the changes, above.

(aka Dave of Sandy, Utah, USA)
[I provide low-cost, remote Database Administration services: www.dasages.com]
Okay, we are getting close. The below result snippet is just the end of what was generated:
insert into test2  select * from test where trunc(call_date) = to_date('25-jun-2007','dd-mon-yyyy')
insert into test2  select * from test where trunc(call_date) = to_date('25-jun-2007','dd-mon-yyyy')
insert into test2  select * from test where trunc(call_date) = to_date('25-jun-2007','dd-mon-yyyy')
insert into test2  select * from test where trunc(call_date) = to_date('25-jun-2007','dd-mon-yyyy')
insert into test2  select * from test where trunc(call_date) = to_date('25-jun-2007','dd-mon-yyyy')
insert into test2  select * from test where trunc(call_date) = to_date('25-jun-2007','dd-mon-yyyy')
insert into test2  select * from test where trunc(call_date) = to_date('25-jun-2007','dd-mon-yyyy')
insert into test2  select * from test where trunc(call_date) = to_date('25-jun-2007','dd-mon-yyyy')
insert into test2  select * from test where trunc(call_date) = to_date('25-jun-2007','dd-mon-yyyy')
insert into test2  select * from test where trunc(call_date) = to_date('25-jun-2007','dd-mon-yyyy')
insert into test2  select * from test where trunc(call_date) = to_date('25-jun-2007','dd-mon-yyyy')
insert into test2  select * from test where trunc(call_date) = to_date('25-jun-2007','dd-mon-yyyy')
insert into test2  select * from test where trunc(call_date) = to_date('25-jun-2007','dd-mon-yyyy')
insert into test2  select * from test where trunc(call_date) = to_date('25-jun-2007','dd-mon-yyyy')
insert into test2  select * from test where trunc(call_date) = to_date('25-jun-2007','dd-mon-yyyy')
insert into test2  select * from test where trunc(call_date) = to_date('25-jun-2007','dd-mon-yyyy')
insert into test2  select * from test where trunc(call_date) = to_date('25-jun-2007','dd-mon-yyyy')
insert into test2  select * from test where trunc(call_date) = to_date('25-jun-2007','dd-mon-yyyy')
insert into test2  select * from test where trunc(call_date) = to_date('25-jun-2007','dd-mon-yyyy')
insert into test2  select * from test where trunc(call_date) = to_date('25-jun-2007','dd-mon-yyyy')
insert into test2  select * from test where trunc(call_date) = to_date('25-jun-2007','dd-mon-yyyy')
insert into test2  select * from test where trunc(call_date) = to_date('25-jun-2007','dd-mon-yyyy')
insert into test2  select * from test where trunc(call_date) = to_date('25-jun-2007','dd-mon-yyyy')
insert into test2  select * from test where trunc(call_date) = to_date('25-jun-2007','dd-mon-yyyy')
insert into test2  select * from test where trunc(call_date) = to_date('25-jun-2007','dd-mon-yyyy')
insert into test2  select * from test where trunc(call_date) = to_date('25-jun-2007','dd-mon-yyyy')
insert into test2  select * from test where trunc(call_date) = to_date('25-jun-2007','dd-mon-yyyy')
insert into test2  select * from test where trunc(call_date) = to_date('26-jun-2007','dd-mon-yyyy')
insert into test2  select * from test where trunc(call_date) = to_date('26-jun-2007','dd-mon-yyyy')

1. I would want it to create one query for 25-JUN-07 and another for 26-JUN-07. Is this done by some sort of grouping?

2. Need the semi-colon at the end of the statement. I could probably figure out how to do that.

3. Also want a commit statement to follow each insert statement. I can probably also figure this out.

Thanks for the assistance so far. We are almost to what I was looking for.

* General Disclaimer - Please read *
Please make sure your post is in the CORRECT forum, has a descriptive title, gives as much detail to the problem as possible, and has examples of expected results. This will enable me and others to help you faster...
try the following

set define off;
spool C:\test.sql;
set serveroutput on
cursor cr1 is select trunc(call_date) call_date from call_history
group by trunc(call_date) 
order by 1;
v_str varchar2(10000);
for crec in cr1
  v_str := 'insert into test2 ';
  v_str := v_str || ' select * from test' ;
  v_str := v_str || ' where trunc(call_date) = to_date(''';
  v_str := v_str || to_char(crec.call_date,'dd-mon-yyyy') || ''',''dd-mon-yyyy'')';
end loop;
spool off;

Oracle DBA/Developer
New York State, USA
Bill, Engi and Dave,

Thanks so much. As I said, this was just one example of a case where I needed to do something like this, so it was a learning process. I appreciate everone's input as it all helped to end up with the final result.

set define off;
spool C:\test.sql;
set serveroutput on
cursor cr1 is select trunc(call_date) call_date from call_history
group by trunc(call_date) 
order by 1;
v_str varchar2(10000);
for crec in cr1
  v_str := 'insert into test2 ';
  v_str := v_str || ' select * from test' ;
  v_str := v_str || ' where trunc(call_date) = to_date(''';
  v_str := v_str || to_char(crec.call_date,'dd-mon-yyyy') || ''',''dd-mon-yyyy'')' || ';';
end loop;
spool off;
insert into test2  select * from test where trunc(call_date) = to_date('20-jun-2007','dd-mon-yyyy');
insert into test2  select * from test where trunc(call_date) = to_date('21-jun-2007','dd-mon-yyyy');
insert into test2  select * from test where trunc(call_date) = to_date('22-jun-2007','dd-mon-yyyy');
insert into test2  select * from test where trunc(call_date) = to_date('25-jun-2007','dd-mon-yyyy');
insert into test2  select * from test where trunc(call_date) = to_date('26-jun-2007','dd-mon-yyyy');

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Please make sure your post is in the CORRECT forum, has a descriptive title, gives as much detail to the problem as possible, and has examples of expected results. This will enable me and others to help you faster...
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