I have a ton of directories and subdirectories under a network share (H
. I need to identify any directory not modified since a certain date and list them in a file - .csv would be swell!
I've used the following cmd to extract the directory data but it isn't giving me the criterea I need (obviously).
C:\Boot>dir /s /a:d /o:-d > c:\txt.txt
The output looks like this:
Volume in drive C is OSDisk
Volume Serial Number is 64FF-6D04
Directory of C:\Boot
05/11/2011 09:54 PM <DIR> ..
05/11/2011 09:54 PM <DIR> .
05/11/2011 09:54 PM <DIR> zh-TW
05/11/2011 09:54 PM <DIR> zh-HK
05/11/2011 09:54 PM <DIR> zh-CN
If it's easier, maybe a methood to extract any line with a certain date and list in another file would also work.
Thanks for any help!
I have a ton of directories and subdirectories under a network share (H
I've used the following cmd to extract the directory data but it isn't giving me the criterea I need (obviously).
C:\Boot>dir /s /a:d /o:-d > c:\txt.txt
The output looks like this:
Volume in drive C is OSDisk
Volume Serial Number is 64FF-6D04
Directory of C:\Boot
05/11/2011 09:54 PM <DIR> ..
05/11/2011 09:54 PM <DIR> .
05/11/2011 09:54 PM <DIR> zh-TW
05/11/2011 09:54 PM <DIR> zh-HK
05/11/2011 09:54 PM <DIR> zh-CN
If it's easier, maybe a methood to extract any line with a certain date and list in another file would also work.
Thanks for any help!