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Script that determines the OS type and service pack

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Technical User
Jun 29, 2004
Hello All,
For some time I have been using a script that determines the OS type then runs the correct code for the OS. I now need to deploy several updates that are Service Pack specific. The updates I need to deploy for example: Update 1 can run if 2k has sp3 or better, if the service pack is less then sp3 then a supporting file needs to be ran prior to running update 1. I will be working with 98, 2k, XP, 2003. Here is an example of the script I have.


'========= Declarations =================
Option Explicit

'Define variables
Dim sMessage
Dim sOStype
Dim sComputerRole
Dim iRetVal
Dim Mbox
Dim objEnv
Dim WshShell

'========= Main code =================

'Display a string for OS type rather than a number
iRetVal = GetOSType
Select Case iRetVal
Case 0
sOStype = "Not found"
Case 1
sOStype = "Windows 95"
Case 2
sOStype = "Windows 98"
Case 3
sOStype = "Windows Me"
Case 4
sOStype = "Windows NT"
Case 5
sOStype = "Windows 2000"
Case 6
sOStype = "Windows XP"
End Select

'Construct the info we want to show

'sMessage = sOStype & vbCr

'Display to screen
'Call MsgBox(sMessage, vbOkOnly, "OS info")

Mbox = MsgBox("Pilot VNC Install", 4, "Do you wish to install VNC ?")

If Mbox = 7 Then


End If
'Promt user about need to use District Image

Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

'Set objEnv = WshShell.Environment("System")

'WScript.echo GetOSType

If GetOSType = 6 Then

WshShell.Run "SetupFiles\PilotVNC-XpSetup.exe"


If GetOSType = 5 Then

WshShell.Run "SetupFiles\PilotVNC-Win2kSetup.exe"


MsgBox("This is not a valid Operating System.")

End If
End If

'========= Procedures and functions ==============

Function GetOSType
'Version 1.3
'1.2 - 1.3 Renamed object variables
'1.1 - 1.2 Supports Win XP
'1.0 - 1.1 Functions now returns 0 when OS info is not found.
'Returns a integer indicating the operating system.
'Note: Win 3.11, Win NT 3.5 and Win NT 3.51 does not run WSH scripts.
'0 = Not able to find OS Type
'1 = Windows 95
'2 = Windows 98
'3 = Windows Me
'4 = Windows NT 4.0
'5 = Windows 2000
'6 = Windows XP

'Declare local variables
Dim sOStype 'Temp variable to store values from registry
Dim oWshShell 'Needs the Shell object to access registry

Set oWshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
GetOSType = 0

'Get OS Info from registry
On Error Resume Next
'Initially assume Win9x platform
sOStype = oWshShell.RegRead("HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Version")

If sOStype = Empty Then
'If variable still empty then NT platform is used
'Read version from registry to find type of NT platform
' "CurrentVersion"="4.0"
' "CurrentVersion"="5.0"
sOStype = Trim(oWshShell.RegRead("HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\CurrentVersion"))
If sOStype = "5.1" Then
'Windows XP
GetOSType = 6
ElseIf sOStype = "5.0" Then
'Windows 2000
GetOSType = 5
ElseIf sOStype = "4.0" Then
'Windows NT 4.0
GetOSType = 4
End If
'Find type of Win9x platform
' "Version"="Windows 98"
' "Version"="Windows 95"
' "Version"="Windows Millennium Edition"
If InStr(1,sOStype,"Millennium Edition",1) > 0 Then
'Windows Me
GetOSType = 3
ElseIf InStr(1,sOStype,"98",0) > 0 Then
'Windows 98
GetOSType = 2
ElseIf InStr(1,sOStype,"95",0) > 0 Then
'Windows 95
GetOSType = 1
End If
End If
On Error GoTo 0

'Clean up
Set oWshShell = Nothing
End Function
The way I see this, is I need to find the reg key that defines the service pack and add this to the case selection. Does this sound like I may be on the right track.


Set oWshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
GetOSType = 0

'Get OS Info from registry
On Error Resume Next
'Initially assume Win9x platform
sOStype = oWshShell.RegRead("HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Version")

If sOStype = Empty Then
'If variable still empty then NT platform is used
'Read version from registry to find type of NT platform
' "CurrentVersion"="4.0"
' "CurrentVersion"="5.0"
sOStype = Trim(oWshShell.RegRead("HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\CurrentVersion"))
If sOStype = "5.1" Then
'Windows XP
GetOSType = 6
ElseIf sOStype = "5.0" Then
'Windows 2000
GetOSType = 5
ElseIf sOStype = "4.0" Then
'Windows NT 4.0
GetOSType = 4
End If
'Find type of Win9x platform
' "Version"="Windows 98"
' "Version"="Windows 95"
' "Version"="Windows Millennium Edition"
If InStr(1,sOStype,"Millennium Edition",1) > 0 Then
'Windows Me
GetOSType = 3
ElseIf InStr(1,sOStype,"98",0) > 0 Then
'Windows 98
GetOSType = 2
ElseIf InStr(1,sOStype,"95",0) > 0 Then
'Windows 95
GetOSType = 1
End If
End If
On Error GoTo 0

The effort you've put into it is not worthless. Essentially it comes back to reading registry etc. But, there are ways for quite a long while to facilitate these tasks in the modern os which present themselves as more advanced. One way is to use wmi querying win32_operatingsystem class.
set svc=getobject("winmgmts:root\cimv2")
for each os in svc.execquery("select * from win32_operatingsystem")
    msg="os caption : " & os.caption & vbcrlf & _
        "os : " & os.name & vbcrlf & "version : " & os.version & vbcrlf & _
        "service pack : " & os.servicepackmajorversion & "." & os.servicepackminorversion
set svc=nothing
wscript.echo msg
You have all the freedom in presentation and making use of each piece of data. For more technical detail of win32_operatingsystem class, ref to msdn documentation:

regards - tsuji
Ok this is what I have. The problem I have is in the If statement. I need it to compare to valuesb ut I is not working. It apears to be only looking at the first value sOSType and not sSPtype. I am so close but then so far.

If sOStype = "5.1" & sSPtype = "Service Pack 1" Then
'Windows XP SP1
GetOSType = 10
ElseIf sOStype = "5.1" & sSPtype = "Service Pack 2" Then
'Windows XP SP2
GetOSType = 9
Do it like this.
[tt]If sOStype = "5.1" [red]and[/red] sSPtype = "Service Pack 1" Then
'Windows XP SP1
GetOSType = 10
ElseIf sOStype = "5.1" [red]and[/red] sSPtype = "Service Pack 2" Then
'Windows XP SP2
GetOSType = 9
'any other cases uncatched
End If[/blue][/tt]
tsuji, Thank-You. That worked great. I was able to include a case selection for every OS and Service Pack.
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