I have a problem where the new users in Site B can not record a personal greeting message..
Here's my setup:
IPO 8.0 43, VM Pro: 8.0 1011
Site A: (Main Site) Central Server, setup as Voicemail Pro
Site B: (2nd Site) Distributed Voicemail, setup as Distributed and SCN route of: Site A
Users on Site B: press *17 to setup their voicemail box, they can record their name in the system.
But they can not press '3' to record a personal greeting. .The voicemail lady says: "Invalid Entry"
However, if you press *17 from Site: A, the users can set-up and record a personal greeting, and everything will
work fine..
The reason i'm not doing centralized voicemail is because if the link between Site A & B goes down, then I will have
no voicemail for everyone in Site B...
What am I doing wrong?
Here's my setup:
IPO 8.0 43, VM Pro: 8.0 1011
Site A: (Main Site) Central Server, setup as Voicemail Pro
Site B: (2nd Site) Distributed Voicemail, setup as Distributed and SCN route of: Site A
Users on Site B: press *17 to setup their voicemail box, they can record their name in the system.
But they can not press '3' to record a personal greeting. .The voicemail lady says: "Invalid Entry"
However, if you press *17 from Site: A, the users can set-up and record a personal greeting, and everything will
work fine..
The reason i'm not doing centralized voicemail is because if the link between Site A & B goes down, then I will have
no voicemail for everyone in Site B...
What am I doing wrong?