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Schedule Linux Base backups 2

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Mar 8, 2003
Hello All,

Just curious. Is it possible to schedule a Linux Base backup (aka Deployment Manager Backup)? Or is this a manual action only?

Thanks in advance.

Marc D.

If Bill Gates had a nickel for every time Windows crashed... Oh wait, he does...
You can schedule a linux sysbackup via CLI. Element Manager only offers Call Server and PD backups that I can find....

The cli is a bit odd as I cant see how to change the frequency of the backup and when entering the scheduling it must be asking for the commencement day and then assume weekly frequency on that..

sysbackup -r|-s|-b|-c|[--help]

-r remove sysbackup task from schedule

-s show sysbackup task schedule settings

-b execute one-time backup

-c setup a backup schedule

Print this help message and exit.

[admin@zzzz ~]$ sysbackup -c
1. Backup to USB device.
2. Backup to SFTP server.

Enter your choice (q for exit): 1
Cannot find USB device.
Creation of configuration file failed. <---doh! no stick installed....try again. Mine is a CPPM Co-Res and the CF card for CS backups is not an option for linux, proabaly cause it is mounted in VXWorks.
Backup will not be created.

1. Backup to USB device.
2. Backup to SFTP server.

Enter your choice (q for exit): 1
Do you want to use default backup time (midnight Sunday) (Y/N) [Y]? n <-- if you say y then that's it. Job done.

The value in the brackets is the default one. Use asterisk if you are going not to use this parameter. <--grammar needs tidying up.

Enter the minutes (0-59) [0]:
Enter the hour (0-23) [0]: 23
Enter day of month (1-31) [1]: 20 <--today for me
Enter month (1-12) [1]: 03 <-- ditto
Enter day of week (1-7) [7]: 3 < -- ditto
[admin@zzzz ~]$ sysbackup -s
Backup configured: <-- so is this once tonight or commencing weeekly on Wednesday evenings commencing at 2300 tonight??
Minute: 0
Hour: 23
Month: 3
Day of month: 20
Day of week: 3
[admin@zzzz ~]$

Anyhow, I think I answered your question...
Thanks. I'm going to try that in our lab [2thumbsup]

Marc D.

If Bill Gates had a nickel for every time Windows crashed... Oh wait, he does...
Nice command!!

This helps me solve a backup issue at a customer site. That site didn't do any backups at all. Using this command I saw that 2 folders didn't exist where the backups are made [3eyes]. Created the folders, changed owner to nortel and it's making backups [2thumbsup]

Schedule seems to work too. At least the 1st today worked [bigsmile]

Marc D.

If Bill Gates had a nickel for every time Windows crashed... Oh wait, he does...
I tried to run the command to backup NRS in linux - I put in the USB drive but it did not seem to see it when I selected option 1 - Now I try again and I get this...

[avaya@telprimnrs ~]$ sysbackup -b
Operation is momentarily blocked by SYSBACKUP subsystem.
Try again later if action is still required.

How can I cancel and start over AND how can I get the NRS to recognize the USB drive?
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