I have draw some lines for graphical representation inside the picture box control, but i need my result form to be saved in word document format during runtime for future reference , can anybody help me, thanks in advance...
You can use the SavePicture function to save the contents of the picture box to disk as a bitmap file. Once this is done you can use automation to add the graphic to a word document. You will have to advance search this site in your forums using all words for word bmp to hopefully find a solution.
vb5prgrmr, thank you very much for your valuable tips, but unfortunately i am not getting that FAQ, while trying that i am getting the message, "The page you tried to access was not found on the server. It may have been moved or deleted."
, can you help me in any other way, plz?
and i have got another option too, ie , i have saved the content of the picture box as a bmp file, and also i have opened a word document with vb codings , but i don't know how to insert the bmp file in that document during run time, can you help me?
Ok you can find FAQ222-2244 via the FAQ tab above. It is the top faq (or first faq however you want to look at it). Then if you scroll down you will see another faq about placing data in a word document (a little more than 1/2 way). It may contain some hints for you (have not read it but it may be worth a look).
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