Technical User
Hi Peoples,
Can someone please help we figure out how to save from an unbound Field into a Table. So far I have gathered information from various Locations and Come up with a Module that looks like so.
Public Function Save() As Boolean
Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset
On Error GoTo HandleErrors
Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset
With rst
!Supervisor = Table1.Supervisor
!CSR = Table1.CSR
!Pin = Table1.Pin
!CustName = Table1.CustName
!CustPh = Table1.CustPhone
!BParty = Table1.BParty
!BCountry = Table1.BCountry
!BCarrier = Table1.BCarrier
!AParty = Table1.AccessNumber
!ACountry = Table1.ACountry
!TimeLogged = Table1.TimeLogged
!DateLogged = Table1.DateLogged
End With
Save = True
If Not rst Is Nothing Then rst.Close
Set rst = Nothing
Exit Function
Save = False
Resume ExitHere
End Function
Now I'm trying to call it from a command button but seem to be running into troubles.
Thanks Heaps In Advance
Can someone please help we figure out how to save from an unbound Field into a Table. So far I have gathered information from various Locations and Come up with a Module that looks like so.
Public Function Save() As Boolean
Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset
On Error GoTo HandleErrors
Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset
With rst
!Supervisor = Table1.Supervisor
!CSR = Table1.CSR
!Pin = Table1.Pin
!CustName = Table1.CustName
!CustPh = Table1.CustPhone
!BParty = Table1.BParty
!BCountry = Table1.BCountry
!BCarrier = Table1.BCarrier
!AParty = Table1.AccessNumber
!ACountry = Table1.ACountry
!TimeLogged = Table1.TimeLogged
!DateLogged = Table1.DateLogged
End With
Save = True
If Not rst Is Nothing Then rst.Close
Set rst = Nothing
Exit Function
Save = False
Resume ExitHere
End Function
Now I'm trying to call it from a command button but seem to be running into troubles.
Thanks Heaps In Advance