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Nov 13, 2001
I put this in the Office 2000 forum and had now response. Maybe someone in here has a solution...I hope. The person with the problem is our Chairmen's Right hand. (If you make her happy you make him happy and vice versa) So it would nice to find a solution. Thanks for any help!

One of our Associates is having a problem saving Word 2000 .docs to her A:\ .. whenever she does so she gets an error:
"Word cannot complete the save due to a file permission error."

I was able to facilitate a partial fix by having her make a directolry on the drive and save to it.

It seems that whenever Word saves it makes a temp file to save to first then copies the temp file to the drive. When saving to the C:\drive it saves the temp file in C:\temp so there is no permission problem it's a different directory, but on an A:\drive diskette it doesn't have a "temp" file. Interestingly when I put a temp file on the drive it still doesn't use it. it uses the root as the temp.

Does anyone know a switch or something that I can use to correct this problem. The latest service pack doesn't do it either. I haven't had this problem with anyone else, though. So why just this one.


Firstly I'd advise to never save directly to a floppy disk - I've seen too many files lost this way! I always tell our users to save to their hard drive first then copy onto a floppy if they need to.

To try and solve the problem, first make sure you're running the latest Office 2000 service pack (SP2.)
Also check any anti-virus setings. If there is real time file system protection then this can cause conflicts.

Good luck
Try several things.

1. Make sure the user has admin rights assigned.

2. Have someone else log onto the PC who has never logged on before so as to create a new profile. See if they have the problem.

3. Create a very small document and save it to the A drive. Word will still look for temporary space on the disk equal to double the size of the document. The error message may not really be indicative of the problem.

I would never save to a floppy unless absolutely necessary, since you can process a save and copy to the floppy much faster with less chance of error or loss.
thanks I've tried administrative rights and I've tried using smaller files to see if Word is looking for double the space... neither have made a difference. I haven't tried to do it with another profile on the same machine but had it happen on another machine with another profile so I tend to think that is't it either.
You may be right though the error isn't indicative of the real problem, but I really hate when that happens.
The work she is doing is of an extremely snesative nature, though and because of it she doesn't want to save to the hard drive and then copy to the floppy, since it leaves a residual trace of the file on the HDD. Of course in reality there is a slim chance of it being stolen off the HDD but if it's not there at all it can't be.
any other ideas ...I'm open to anything really, although I admit I've probably already tried it. I was just hoping that maybe there was a switch or flag or something in WORD I didn't know about
Internet Explorer is integrated with Office and may be part of the offender. Can you try to reload it? Microsoft has documented a problem with Word documents being opened in Internet explorer. I know this is not y9our exact problem, but it may direct you down the correct path. Also, try turning off Fast Saves in Word and see what happens....
I have the same problem when attempting to save documents to a network drive. I have a few new systems running Office XP that have the problem. All systems are running Win 2K and MS Office XP. All documents on the network drive were created with WinWord 97. The problem occurs with new documents also...
Were you able to figure out what is/was causing the problem?
I think it's Office itself.. :))
no we never did solve the problem ... the only thing that is working is to make a separate "directory" file on the diskette... then since it isn't the same file that it sends the temp info to ... (it goes to the root of the diskette in this case) it is OK ... but it seems to me that the file should be sent to C:\TEMP then copied to the A:\root on the diskette.
I will add though this would be a problem still, since the info is sensative and we don't want it on ANY hard drive at all. The temp file would probably be left there, because windows is so bad at cleaning these things up. We could just leave it the way it is, although it's only a patch ...we haven't found the problem. Where we run into a conflict is that the files can get too big to big to be on a diskette let alone half a dikette.
Thanks for the help. The fixes they use aren't working on our problem though. We are using Office 2000 (this company is very slow to upgrade... not until we either have to because the rest of the world has, or we have thuroughly tested a product). However it got me thinking that maybe there's a service pack that will help. I truthfully haven't been concentrating on it for a while. Although since the "level" of the person with the issue is as high as it is, I really should follow up on it. (so thanks for the reminder too). I'll follow up with service packs and try altering one of the solutions in the list, to what might work, and let you know here.
thanks again
I have a few thoughts: First, floppy diskettes are formatted with FAT, which can't hold permissions like NTFS file systems. This means that the problem is somewhere on the C: drive, and probably related to Word's wacky use of temp files.

Word SHOULD use the TEMP environment variable to decide where to store the temp file, but when working with non-removable disks, I have noticed that it assumes it can save the temp file in the same folder as the DOC file. But when working with removable disks, it does use the TEMP environment variable.

Try this: When logged in as the user, look at her TEMP setting and make sure the folder exists. Then make sure she has full permission to it.
It make sense for a floppy disk drive scenario but why wouldn't it work on a local and network drive where the user has full access and an older version of MS Office (97) works just fine??!! I'm giving up and I'm calling Micosoft...
Still trying to find a fix for you. The other user's answer about saving to a network drive could just be a registry fix; there are known issues with this. So far, have not found any setting to help you. I use Windows 2000, Office 2000 and Office 97 and do not have the problem. Could a policy have been set by your system administrator?

I think the temp files and words "wacky" ways as you put it, are exactly the problem. the part I am having a problem is why it doesn't always cause a problem.

Here is what I have observed:

When a program is saved to the A:\drive in word ... it makes a temp file in the A:\drive and then converts the file to the final name file. When making changes and then saving to that same file name there will be an error referring to the "permission error" mentioned initially.


File "test.doc" opened in word from the A:\drive and then changed and saved to the A:\drive
first a numbered file is made then the name on it is converted to the final "test.doc" However it will error as above.

When the same file is created on and then saved on the C:\drive it seems to be saved first to the C:\temp then copied to the intended directory

When I go back and create a directory on the A:\drive and save the file to that directory it still creates the temp files on the A:\root then copies the file to the directory after. There is no error, because the two files are in different directories.

I am guessing the intention from MS, is protection of the file. In case anything happens to the PC, like a power outage or surge. the file can still be restored, because there is always a copy. However, the problem still goes back to the permission error and why this happens. It just doesn't seem right that it would be necessary to make a directory on the floppy in order to save a file.

Interestingly this only happens on NT 4.00 and not on my win2000 PC. Of course I could just convert her to windows 2000. Only the company has not officially migrated We still have many old propriatary programs that we haven't fully tested on 2000 to make sure they will work. they are in some cases still 16bit programs, which are being rewritten to 32bit.

thanks for all your help
I was able to find and correct the problem I was having...
It turned out that the Client32 file caching was on and it needed to be turned off. I'm not sure this helps you with your problem but I'm glad I was able to fix mine. Please let me know if you find a fix for yours...
I found some documentation on this issue. Try installing Office SR1/SR1a. This might fix both the floppy save and the network save file issue.
What was the fix for File Permission Errors on W2K shared drives? I use Office XP (word 2002) SP-1, and have exactly the same problem. I've tried turning off autocaching on the shared drive.Still no joy. Its affecting everyone who has upgraded to office XP.

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