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Saving Goldmine Users/Filters

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Apr 20, 2001
Looks like we have to blow away our current Goldmine Server and GoldSync server due to all kinds of duplicated records and my VAR can't fine where the problem is, and suggested a complete reinstall of the server. The data will have to be manually cleaned up. Is there any way for me to save the users and their filters? Is there any hope of importing them back to the fresh installed server? Is this a good idea to do or should I just recreate everything?

Try creating a transfer set but just select Filters under the Utilities sections, then retrieve this into your new install.

As for the users then just copy the users.dbf, users.mdx and users.dbt.

Your VAR should be able to advise you on the data to keep.

I will give that a try. Thank you.
Do you have other suggestion(s)? I am only going with the VAR because I am clueless with Goldmine.

Sorry for my earlier post - it wasn't much help. I was surprised that your VAR couldn't offer more help. He/She may be able to consult with someone that knows GM data.

Rob's earlier post was correct. You can copy your dBase files that are in the same DIR as your exe,

You may be able to use the GM merge purge feature to reduce dupes and keep history.

Here is a real fast rundown on GM that may be helpful. There are docs available. You can also post more questions here.

The tables that make up your data are

Contact1 - This contains your company data.
Contact2 - Contains your user defined fields data.
Contudef - Contains your user defined fields definitions.
Contsupp - Contains Web, E-mail, and additional contacts
Contgrps - contains group members - this data is most likely not crucial unless you use groups heavily.
Conthist - History Records
Cal - Scheduled Records - If your having a problem with this file, run some reports on the data, link to contact1 by accountno.

If you are having major problems, I would evaluate what you need to keep the most. If keeping the structure is a concern, create an empty contact set. This will keep all of your user defined fields - File | Open - click through wizrd and select "Create empty tables"

Some things to consider:
How many filters do you have? How long would it take a user to re-enter the filters as opposed to you dealing with data issues? What is the difference in cost to your company?

How clean is the users file? Do you clone users off a template for consistancy? You can try and save this data or take the opportunity to do some maintenance.

I don't know what kind of resources you have available. Do you deal with the data yourself? I'm betting that the contact data is whats really important.

Good Luck

Thanks Dave....
My VAR is dragging their feet, so I decided to play with it on a test server.

Contact1 - looks good, no duplication there.
Contact2 - over 3000 orphaned records and over 4000 duplicates
Contudef - no problem here
ContSupp - "No Associated Index" - went into SQL delete the index and recreated. Works fine in GM now.
Contgrps - no problem here
ContHist - over 5000 orphaned records.

I've download Beyond Gold and start playing with it. I used it to remove all orphaned and duplicates from the tables that has them.

GM is working now on the test server..but I still can't create a One-Button Sync without it giving me an error that the CONTHIST have non-unique records.

Did a a rebuilt/repack on just the CONTHIST table. It had just about the same amount of error messages as the orphaned records, but it let me continued. After the rebuilt/repack, GM is working fine...I did a One-Button Sync for one of the users and asked her to look over her data and she she says everything is there.

My question now is, Is there any side affect to this? Although the duplicates has been removed, the duplicate issue has not really been addressed, because I do not know what is causing them.

Can I use this system reliably or should I just let the VAR people handles it?

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