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Save record with default values?..Please

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Feb 27, 2001
I've tried to solve this problem several ways.

There are two fields in the table "tblMyRecords": recordID & dateID

A form based on tblMyRecords with two text boxes: txtRecordID & txtDateID

Both text boxes fill with default data:
txtRecordID = DMax("[recordID]","tblMyRecords")+1
txtDateID   = Date()
What can I do to save a new record with just the default data? ...without entering new data in either field? I've made command buttons, I've copied DoCmd lines into code, I've tried macros, etc. Whenever I close the form, the new record is not saved. (If I enter a number or a date, the new form is saved.)

Please, your help would be greatly appreciated! :-I Gus Brunston
An old PICKer
Try this:

Private Sub cmdSave_Click()
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim strsql As String
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset

Set db = CurrentDb
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("Select * FROM tblMyRecords Where 1 = 2", dbOpenDynaset)
rs.Fields(0) = Me.txtRecordID
rs.Fields(1) = Me.txtRecordDate
Set rs = Nothing
Set db = Nothing
end sub

That seems to work for me each time.

Dear Bob:
Thanks for the suggestion. I copied everything verbatim into the onclick event for the save button. No error messages, but it still did not save the record. ??
I guess the user will have to enter the date. That way, the record is saved.
Gus Brunston
An old PICKer
Bob's coding seems to be OK, but it doesn't requery the form itself. Check if the record is saved in the table!
Dear Bob and Jappy:

Thank you for reading and responding to my thread. I appreciate your suggestions.

The record is not saved in the table.

To work around my problem, I gave up trying to save the record with default values, and decided to trap a null in one of the fields. Works to an extent--if user tabs past a blank date field, the msg box pops up and asks for a date--but then I can't get the focus back to the date field. I can "ReFocus" to the field before and the field following but not to the field I need to focus on! My code is:

Private Sub txtDepositDate_Exit(Cancel As Integer)
    If Me![txtDepositDate] = "" Or IsNull(Me![txtDepositDate]) Then
        MsgBox "You must enter the date", vbExclamation, "Missing Info"
        Exit Sub
    End If
End Sub

I go from one thing to another that doesn't seem to work for me! There must be some god of Access that I have neglected in my evening sacrifices!

Thanks again.
Gus Brunston
An old PICKer
Strange, maybe you're using Access 2000? I thought that didn't use DAO, but might be mistaken (and to lazy to check...) I tried Bob's code, and it runs fine in A97. Even simpified the idea to:
Private Sub cmdSave_Click()
    DoCmd.RunSQL "INSERT INTO tblMyRecords ( recordid, recorddate ) SELECT " & Me.txtRecordID & " AS Expr1, #" & Format(Me.txtRecorddate, "mm/dd/yy") & "# AS Expr2;"
    DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec
End Sub
Two other things might bug you:
- the default setting for ID, I used the syntax:
- if you use the same textboxes to show the actual records, your default-settings only work if the focus is actually on a new record...
Yes, I'm using Access2000.
Fingers crossed, I think I've accomplished my first goal...to allow the user to tab through default values when adding a new record. I put procedures in the On enter and in the On Exit events of the date control:
Private Sub txtDepositDate_Enter()
    If Me![txtDepositDate] = "" Or IsNull(Me![txtDepositDate]) Then
        Me.txtDepositDate = Date
    End If
End Sub

(now, just to be sure...)

Private Sub txtDepositDate_Exit(Cancel As Integer)
    If Me![txtDepositDate] = "" Or IsNull(Me![txtDepositDate]) Then
        MsgBox "You must enter the date", vbExclamation, "Missing Info"
        Exit Sub
    End If
End Sub

Evidently, the date field in a new record being null, it accepts the input from the On enter event as if a user were keying it in...and when the command button to save, or the form is closed, the new record is saved in the table. If I were paid $300 dollars for this solution, I'd be earning about $10 an hour (which ain't bad, since I work for minimum wage). .:)
Gus Brunston
An old PICKer
Consider it a sacrifice to the gods of Access you mentioned.
Still seems to be a rather compicated way to solve something relatively simple but:
if it works don't fix it...
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