I've got a bit of a strange problem.
I have a user with Winnt4.0, sp6a, using office 97. When he tries to save his excel document (using save as), it defaults to the System32 folder (even though in options, i've specified his home directory on our fileserver). This problem only seems to happen once. Then after you rectify it, it seems to be ok.
And it only comes back again, if you log off, then on again?
Any help would be appreciated.
I've got a bit of a strange problem.
I have a user with Winnt4.0, sp6a, using office 97. When he tries to save his excel document (using save as), it defaults to the System32 folder (even though in options, i've specified his home directory on our fileserver). This problem only seems to happen once. Then after you rectify it, it seems to be ok.
And it only comes back again, if you log off, then on again?
Any help would be appreciated.