Technical User
I have recently decided to perform an upgrade from SAV CE 9.0.3 to 10.0.1. Unfortunately not even one upgrade succeeded … initially. Anyway to put a long story a bit shorter at the end I have seen that if the client or server has Microsoft ISA2004 Client installed on the PC, then you cannot perform an installation of SAV CE v.10 – both the clean-install and the upgrade don’t work. I have tested this “theory” in various environments and each time I came to the same conclusion. After un-installing ISA2004 client I was able to do a clean-install and/or upgrade to SAV CE 10. If I re-install the ISA2004 client afterwards, the system worked just fine … and it is still working fine today (I have now 10 clients + server with v.10 installed and 25 with v.9). The clients are upgraded, the logs can be reviewed. Anyway if anyone else encountered a similar problem, this info might help. I think this is a bug, that Symantec forgot to resolve – I encountered a similar problem with another software a while ago and this software-company resolved it after a month. But since Symantec is a huge company I would not bet on quick patch.