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SAT grammar test 2

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Apr 29, 2002
Try this one.

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Had quite a few errors on this one.
In my opinion: a bad test. A lot more errors in it than available to pick from. Commas, where actually a period or at least a semi-colon would have been the correct choice.
I wouldn't accept this as a true judgement of the quality of my English...
But that might also be, because I don't want to accept the number of my errors on this one...:eek:)

[blue]An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind. - "Mahatma" Mohandas K. Gandhi[/blue]
That was tough. I would like to see the explanations.

Good Luck
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As a circle of light increases so does the circumference of darkness around it. - Albert Einstein
This test is horrible. I am not just a native English speaker, but also a long-time language fanatic. For me to score only 8 out of 15 (with ample warning that it was hard) means the test is flawed, not my answers.

I also agree that there were several errors not in the list. Several test questions had larger problems than in one bit with an underlined section; they should have been entirely rewritten.
>This test is horrible.

After investigating that test, I have concluded that the site owners have an interest in lowering everyboby's score: they charge for the answers.

Try forum1391 for lively discussions
>they charge for the answers???
How is that? If you want right answers you have to pay?[nosmiley]

After having1 completed the test, and2 having observed the resultant3 grade,

the self esteem4 of the test taker was severely5 shaken!


[glasses] [red]Be advised:[/red] The dyslexic, agnostic, insomniac, lays awake all night wondering...
"Is there really a DOG?" [tongue]
[ul]E2: For me to score only 8 out of 15 (with ample warning that it was hard) means the test is flawed, not my answers.[/ul]

The above statement is also remarkably flawed. I didn't like the test either but since I shan't pony up the $$ to find out what the deuce they think the best answers are, I will suppose that they are niggling details that may outrank what I chose as the sentence flaws. My poor performance does not "mean" that the test is flawed. My poor performance, moreover, does not indicate that my answers are unflawed.

I believe that the test is flawed, but... wow. [neutral]

When I make a long, long putt it does not, even given my record of futility, mean that the hole is in the wrong location, and I deserve an extra stroke. My long putt was probably hit exactly as poorly as my normal putts, but I may have read the break wrong [right?]. Niether the ground nor the ball have reason to lie to me... so someday I'll miss a long putt directly into the hole... and holler all the way there: "Damn! Pulled it... Dang it... oh, wait, go go go go go stop stop stop turn TURN TURN! Woo Hoo!"
[gray](note: I have no experience to back up the above hypothetical, if I ever do make a long putt, I'll let you know how I feel.)[/gray]

[red]Note:[/red] [gray]The above comments are the opinionated ravings of Mr3Putt. As such, Mr3Putt accepts no responsibility for damages, real or contrived, resulting from acceptance of his opinions as fact.[/gray]
SkipVought - #4 is the error in your sentence.
[COLOR=white white]A classic dangling participle.  The self-esteem did not complete the test or observe the results.

After having completed the test, and having observed the resultant grade, the test taker's self-esteem was severely shaken![/color]

Good Luck
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As a circle of light increases so does the circumference of darkness around it. - Albert Einstein
I stand by what I said. I have confidence in my ability and knowledge in this area, and I believe I have located the error correctly.
Glad I'm not the only one doubting this test.
8/15: Didn't count mine, but that's about the same I had.

YOU scoring just as lousy pumps my self-esteem back up, Esquared! [tongue]

[blue]An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind. - "Mahatma" Mohandas K. Gandhi[/blue]
E2, I think you may be confusing what something MEANS, with what something INDICATES.

Just seemed a very arrogant statement, not unlike statements I make all the time (that's how I recognized it).

My experience in arrogant statements and therefore the recognition of same, does not mean that your statement was arrogant but it does indicate that it likely was.

Just DA-ing... no harm, no foul.

[red]Note:[/red] [gray]The above comments are the opinionated ravings of Mr3Putt. As such, Mr3Putt accepts no responsibility for damages, real or contrived, resulting from acceptance of his opinions as fact.[/gray]
I've always found people's general perception of arrogance to be interesting. Here are some definitions:

arrogant exaggerating or disposed to exaggerate one's own worth or importance in an overbearing manner

arrogance a feeling or an impression of superiority manifested in an overbearing manner or presumptuous claims

arrogant 1. Having or displaying a sense of overbearing self-worth or self-importance. 2. Marked by or arising from a feeling or assumption of one's superiority toward others.

arrogance The state or quality of being arrogant; overbearing pride.

overbearing 1 a : tending to overwhelm : OVERPOWERING b : decisively important : DOMINANT

overbearing 1. Domineering in manner; arrogant: an overbearing person. See Synonyms at dictatorial. 2. Overwhelming in power or significance; predominant.

presumptuous overstepping due bounds (as of propriety or courtesy) : taking liberties

presumptuous Going beyond what is right or proper; excessively forward

So... was my post really overwhelming in power or significance, or domineering, or assuming presumptuous superiority over others? Did I exaggerate my worth or importance overwhemingly? Did I go beyond what is right or proper?

The way I see it, if I'm correct in my claim (not exaggerating), and I didn't assume superiority over other people, then I'm just confident, not arrogant. [smile] [smile] [smile] [smile]

Although, to be honest, I never really saw the "improper" part of the definition of arrogance, before. I always thought of arrogance as simply claiming what isn't true. So which part am I guilty of to be arrogant?

I think there is no shame in knowing my skill and being confident in it. Please understand that I'm asking serious questions here--I've been accused of arrogance more than once and I don't get how I can be that if I'm accurate in my claims.

If someone who can run a four-minute mile tells you he can run a four-minute mile, what's arrogant about that? It's a simple assessment of his abilities. Lets say he runs a mile and someone tells him it took 12 minutes. What's so arrogant for this athlete to say that the stopwatch must be broken or there must have been a timing mistake, because he knows it was much closer to four minutes?
Please read Pride and Prejudice. All will be made clear!
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