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Samba and DNS troubles .... newb

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Technical User
Aug 16, 2001
ok What I have is a Redhat 7.2 server setup with one 10/100 3com network card working fine ..... I have being trying to setup a samba share for my win xp machine ....ok so i think i am doing allright cause I can see the linux rig within my network neighborhood but cant axs it .... says that sharename can't be found .... I don't think i have axs rights to the samba share, how can I get axs to it? another question is that I don't think the dns is working right on it .... I can ping the ip address but can't ping the hostname for some reason, it just can't resolve it what would be causing that .... I am a newb self teaching myself and have no other help apart from the internet ..... thanks

NEo81 >:):O>
what do you mean with axs?
Your question is not clear.
What's the real problem from your samba and dns ?
Where do you install the dns ?
Good luck
paste your smb.conf file here, and we'll look at it, or you could paste it into the samba forum: forum865
ok when I get home i'l copy and paste the smb.conf here ... I have got the linux box on the net well pretty much cause I can ping Domain names and ip's from the outside world, I have tried everything to get the samba shares working but all I can see is the Linux box in netowrk neighborhood and when I double click to open the shares it says the network path is unaccessable or could not be found .... yeah axs = access so do i need to give my xp machine rights to axs those shares on the linux box? I have made account names and stuff like that on the linux box .... and the dns problems are just from the xp machine tryingto ping the host name of the linux box ... thats not much of a issue at the moment

NEo81 >:):O>
Well, I suggest you read the samba docs first. From my experience I can only guess what your problem might be:
1. you didn't add the users you created to your smbpasswd file (type smbpasswd -h to get info)
2. check all the basic settings in smb.conf like the workgroup = YOURWORKGROUP (you seem to have this one right since you see the Linux box in network neighbourhood), then security = user and encrypt passwords = yes
Ofc there are several other settings that might be important depending on your particular setup and environment.
3. DNS problem: try to ping the IP address of your Linux box first to make sure TCP/IP is working at all on your XP machine, then try to figure out why XP doesn't (why would it?) know the name of your linux machine. You dont really need DNS for accessing shares be it win* or samba shares.

Hope this helps,
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