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SAL 3.0 Upgrade/Installation 3

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May 25, 2004
I understand that Avaya is requiring its customers to upgrade SAL to 3.0 by the end of the year. (I just found out about it last week.)

My questions are around installation.

I am running SAL 2.5 on a business partner gateway, but want to move it to a VMWare VM. Can I have the server team build me a RHEL 6 server so I can run the installer? Or, does an ADS OVA need to be deployed first?

If the former, is this (ADS-Installer- the file I need to run on the Linux server?

If the latter, is this (AvayaDiagnosticServer- the file I need? (I understand I will need the former file at some point.)

The playbook spells this out.

Deploy the new OVA 3.0 and do the migration backup/restore or the export/import restore. <<go with this option if you are unsure of the options
You could also deploy a new Linux machine and install the standalone too it.
Lastly, if you are on a standalone/software only server today you could just upgrade in place software only

Ok, I've read a lot of the documents and this(and another) thread and I've got to the point of copying the files.

Probably a basic question;
how do I copy the files to my old GW to run the migration?

I've tried using 'PSCP' AND winSCP and they both don't have access to the server.
My password doesn't work or I don't have permissions.
I can log onto my salgw2.5 server, su to root and create my folders but I can't copy to them.

What am I doing wrong during this process?
That's the one point that's not documented; sorry for not being Linux proficient.

I even watched the video t2true mentioned but he doesn't go through the process of coping the files either, he just mentions it.
I was able to login to the server via WinSCP, but couldn't copy the files to the folder I created because of permissions. However, I was able to copy the files to my user directory. (It should default to that directory upon login.) Then, once in Putty, I used the Linux move command (mv) to move the files to the directory I created - e.g. mv /home/username/salfile /root/ads3.
I placed the files on a USB drive and connected it to the old gateway. Then I Googled for the proper linux commands. It took a little learning but was easy after doing it a bit. If I recall I had to Mount the USB drive. It then showed up as a media. Then figuring out the directory structure and how to navigate it. Then once I ran the migration tool I copied the backup information back to the USB. I'll see if I can find any of my notes.

40 years in Telecom. New to Avaya! :)Go easy.
t2true and avayatech,

thank you, thank you!

both great ideas, I will be looking at both.

thank you also,
I have deployed the OVA 3.0, working on the rest of the steps to migrate and 'hopefully' make this short and sweet(painless as possible).

bfordz give me some time and I can post some of the commands I used.

40 years in Telecom. New to Avaya! :)Go easy.
bfordz here are some of the commands I used. This is in No Way a start to finish. Use at your own risk. You'll see good commands and bad commands as i learned Linux again after many years. One thing is figuring out file structure. And then navigating it. Hopefully there's enough to help. Take your time and make notes. Hope it helps.

The du will list directories

[root@ServerXXX ~]# du
524 ./mgmt/logs
528 ./mgmt
232 ./Desktop/jre1.6.0_25/man/man1
232 ./Desktop/jre1.6.0_25/man/ja_JP.eucJP/man1
240 ./Desktop/jre1.6.0_25/man/ja_JP.eucJP

[root@ServerXXX ~]# mkdir ads3
[root@ServerXXX ~]# cd ads3
[root@ServerXXX ads3]# mkdir backup
[root@ServerXXX ads3]# cd backup
[root@ServerXXX backup]# cd.
-bash: cd.: command not found
[root@ServerXXX backup]# cd
[root@ServerXXX ~]# dh
-bash: dh: command not found
[root@ServerXXX ~]# df
Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
272218312 4209944 253957452 2% /
/dev/cciss/c0d0p1 101086 12093 83774 13% /boot
tmpfs 6231992 0 6231992 0% /dev/shm
[root@ServerXXX ~]# du
524 ./mgmt/logs
528 ./mgmt
232 ./Desktop/jre1.6.0_25/man/man1
232 ./Desktop/jre1.6.0_25/man/ja_JP.eucJP/man1
4 ./ads3/backup
8 ./ads3
185612 .

[root@ServerXXX ~]# mkdir sal25backup
[root@ServerXXX ~]# du
524 ./mgmt/logs
528 ./mgmt
4 ./sal25backup

[root@ServerXXX ~]# cd /opt/avaya/ads/backuprestore
[root@ServerXXX backuprestore]# ./backup_restore.sh backup /sal25backup

**** ADS backup utility invoked ****
/sal25backup folder doesn't exist
[root@ServerXXX backuprestore]# df
Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
272218312 4209208 253958188 2% /
/dev/cciss/c0d0p1 101086 12093 83774 13% /boot
tmpfs 6231992 0 6231992 0% /dev/shm
[root@ServerXXX backuprestore]# df
Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
272218312 4209216 253958180 2% /
/dev/cciss/c0d0p1 101086 12093 83774 13% /boot
tmpfs 6231992 0 6231992 0% /dev/shm
[root@ServerXXX backuprestore]# du
16 .
[root@ServerXXX backuprestore]# cd
[root@ServerXXX ~]# du
524 ./mgmt/logs
528 ./mgmt

[root@ServerXXX ~]# ls
ads3 anaconda-ks.cfg Desktop install.log install.log.syslog mgmt sal25backup
[root@ServerXXX ~]# cd /opt/avaya
[root@ServerXXX avaya]# ls
ads SAL
[root@ServerXXX avaya]# cd ads
[root@ServerXXX ads]# ls
backuprestore installdata LICENSE logging uninstaller Upgrade
[root@ServerXXX ads]# makedir mark
-bash: makedir: command not found
[root@ServerXXX ads]# cd
[root@ServerXXX ~]# makedir /opt/avaya/ads/mark
-bash: makedir: command not found
[root@ServerXXX ~]# makedir
-bash: makedir: command not found
[root@ServerXXX ~]# cd /
[root@ServerXXX /]# makedir mark
-bash: makedir: command not found
[root@ServerXXX /]# cd /opt/avaya/ads
[root@ServerXXX ads]# mkdir mark
[root@ServerXXX ads]# cd mark
[root@ServerXXX mark]# cd
[root@ServerXXX ~]# cd /opt/avaya/ads/backuprestore
[root@ServerXXX backuprestore]# ./backup_restore.sh backup /opt/avaya/ads/mark

**** ADS backup utility invoked ****
Removing any older component backup(s)
Detected SAL component. Installed version is 2.5
Taking a backup of SAL component
Gateway Backup operation is in progress...
Gateway Backup operation successful!!!
/saldata/backup/archives/backup_ServerXXX_2018_11_14_02_52_50.zip file created successfully.
Backup Archive directory for SAL Gateway is : /saldata/backup/archives

SAL backup..done
No SLAMon component found to take a backup

ADS component(s) was found. Generating ADS backup
Backup directory is not empty. Checking if it contains component backup(s)
Component backup(s) were found
Adding ADS inventory.xml file to the backup
Cleaning up. Removing generated files
The backup file is ADS_2.5_backup.tar and is stored in /opt/avaya/ads/mark
**** ADS backup complete ****
[root@ServerXXX backuprestore]#
[root@ServerXXX backuprestore]# cd
[root@ServerXXX ~]# cd /opt/avaya/ads/mark
[root@ServerXXX mark]# ls

Part of the USB mounting and usage:

[root@ServerXXX mark]# cd
[root@ServerXXX ~]# fdisk -l

Disk /dev/cciss/c0d0: 293.5 GB, 293563949056 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 35690 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes

Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
/dev/cciss/c0d0p1 * 1 13 104391 83 Linux
/dev/cciss/c0d0p2 14 35690 286575502+ 8e Linux LVM

Disk /dev/sda: 15.7 GB, 15728640000 bytes
2 heads, 63 sectors/track, 243809 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 126 * 512 = 64512 bytes

Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
/dev/sda1 * 1 243810 15359968 c W95 FAT32 (LBA)

[root@ServerXXX ~]# cd /
[root@ServerXXX /]# cd media
[root@ServerXXX media]# ls
[root@ServerXXX media]# mkdir usb-drive
[root@ServerXXX media]# cd
[root@ServerXXX ~]# mount /dev/sda1 /media/usb-drive
[root@ServerXXX ~]# mount
/dev/mapper/VolGroup00-LogVol00 on / type ext3 (rw)
proc on /proc type proc (rw)
sysfs on /sys type sysfs (rw)
devpts on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,gid=5,mode=620)
/dev/cciss/c0d0p1 on /boot type ext3 (rw)
tmpfs on /dev/shm type tmpfs (rw)
none on /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc type binfmt_misc (rw)
sunrpc on /var/lib/nfs/rpc_pipefs type rpc_pipefs (rw)
/dev/sda1 on /media/usb-drive type vfat (rw)
[root@ServerXXX ~]# mount | grep sda1
/dev/sda1 on /media/usb-drive type vfat (rw)
[root@ServerXXX ~]# cd /media/usb-drive
[root@ServerXXX usb-drive]# ls
ads System Volume Information
[root@ServerXXX usb-drive]# cd ads
[root@ServerXXX ads]# cd
[root@ServerXXX ~]# cd /opt
[root@ServerXXX opt]# cd/avaya/ads/backuprestore
-bash: cd/avaya/ads/backuprestore: No such file or directory
[root@ServerXXX opt]# cd
[root@ServerXXX ~]# cd /opt/avaya/ads/backuprestore
[root@ServerXXX backuprestore]# ./backup_restore.sh backup /media/usb-drive/ads

[root@ServerXXX mark]# cd
[root@ServerXXX ~]# cd /opt/avaya/ads/mark
[root@ServerXXX mark]# ls
[root@ServerXXX mark]# mv ADS_2.5_backup.tar /media/usb-drive/ads
mv: overwrite `/media/usb-drive/ads/ADS_2.5_backup.tar'? no
[root@ServerXXX mark]# cd
[root@ServerXXX ~]# cd /media/usb-drive/ads/backup
[root@ServerXXX backup]# ls
[root@ServerXXX backup]# cd.
-bash: cd.: command not found
[root@ServerXXX backup]# cd..
-bash: cd..: command not found
[root@ServerXXX backup]# cd
[root@ServerXXX ~]# mv ADS_2.5_backup.tar /media/usb-drive/ads/backup
mv: cannot stat `ADS_2.5_backup.tar': No such file or directory
[root@ServerXXX ~]# cd
[root@ServerXXX ~]# cd /opt/avaya/ads/mark
[root@ServerXXX mark]# ls
[root@ServerXXX mark]# mv ADS_2.5_backup.tar /media/usb-drive/ads/backup
[root@ServerXXX mark]# cd
[root@ServerXXX ~]# cd /media/usb-drive/ads/backup
[root@ServerXXX backup]# ls
[root@ServerXXX backup]# cd
[root@ServerXXX ~]# umount /media/usb-drive
[root@ServerXXX ~]#

40 years in Telecom. New to Avaya! :)Go easy.
USB is a good way to go also. However, it may be a little more difficult if using a VMWare virtual machine (VM) server.
Avayatech, randycarroll and t2true,

Thanks again for your responses and suggestions.
I'm up and running, OK, I hope! Core and Remote tested OK!

As for my original post:
"I'm running my SALGW v2. on a standalone VMware machine."
"The 2.5 can't be upgraded to 3.0 or 3.0 can't be installed over 2.5?:

I just needed to figure out that I had to expand my 'datastore' space on my VM server, then I was able to run my OVA file.
I was able to utilize apace I already had on my VMware servers HDD.
A little tricky when you're not doing that stuff everyday.

Thank you again!
Have a happy new year!
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