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Safe Mode 5

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Jan 9, 2002
I have read that certain installs need a clean boot and also to get a clean boot, do a selective start and do not check any of the options. When I do this, my computer starts in safe mode (because the system files are not loaded I think.) My question is can I install a program such as antivirus or upgrade to Windows 2e in safe mode. Does safe mode mean that I can undo changes? If so, how? I'm running Windows 1e and upgrading to 2e does not seem to work as well.

Thanks for your help.

I'm not sure I really understand your question, but if you use msconfig and uncheck everything, then YES your pc will boot to safe mode (without autoexec.bat or config.sys).

You can usually install some programs while in Safe Mode, but it's not usually recommended. Safe Mode is considered a tool for troubleshooting, not for upgrading/installing. Even if you can upgrade to Win98SE in safe mode, I'm not so sure I would.

What kind of problems are you having? Will the pc boot into Normal mode?

"The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources."
- A. Einstein
Actually, choosing "Selective Startup" in MSCONFIG and unchecking all the boxes will not (or at least should not) start Windows 98 in Safe Mode. What it will do is temporarily prevent your normal startup files from being read when Windows boots. This is different from Safe Mode in that required VxDs and other normal system level components will load as usual. This is what M$ refers to as a "clean boot". So, for example, you can still access your CD-ROM drive, your network connection(s), and so on...very useful when troubleshooting; especially if you are having a problem that you suspect stems from a Real Mode driver, TSR or .INI setting.

Genuine Safe Mode uses a minimal set of drivers...meaning that most of your peripheral hardware (such as removable media drives, network adapters & protocols, audio hardware, etc.) will not function. This is also useful for troubleshooting when the issue is a Windows Protection Error, corrupted VxD, etc.

Sorry if this post comes off sounding like a lecture but I'm not teaching this semester so I'm probably stuck in "instructor mode". [glasses]

I hope this info is useful in some way.

To Cdogg & Instructorschoolguy:

Guys, thanks for your responses.

I was referring to msconfig and selective start up. My pc will not start in normal mode or if it does, it changes back to selective start when I next look at msconfig.

I have introduced some problems because I did not install a popular antivirus/firewall product correctly and I cannot seem to recover.

This could get lengthy to explain the causes so perhaps you could respond to getting my pc to start in normal mode.(one thing at a time)

Thanks again,
I would say your first step is to un-install the firewall/antivirus program. This can probably be done with little difficulty in either normal mode or safe mode.

Then reboot and try restoring the "Normal Startup" under MSCONFIG. Then reboot again and note what happens...ie. does the system start correctly?

If it does not start normally, your troubleshooting begins. Go back to "Selective Startup" and uncheck all the boxes. Reboot. If the system boots without any obvious problems, then re-check half the boxes you unchecked earlier. Reboot yet again. If a problem occurs you can now narrow it down to one of the files selected by the checkboxes. If not, re-check half of the ones that are still unchecked. Reboot again. This process allows you to continuously narrow down which startup file contains the problem setting.

For more info, consult the following M$ knowledge base article:

I hope this helps.

You mention that you "cannot seem to recover" after installing the antivirus program. I'm assuming you meant that you're having problems uninstalling. If that is the case, then you may want to reinstall it on top of the current install with "selective startup". Then, reboot using "selective startup" again and try uninstalling the AV program once more.

Once you are able to get it uninstalled, I would then follow Chris's steps above to find the culprit (if one remains). Just remember that the following items are usually left checked if they exist:


** It also wouldn't hurt to take a peek at your Autoexec.bat and Config.sys system files to make sure there aren't any erroneous entries. **

"The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources."
- A. Einstein
cdogg & schoolguy:

Thanks again.

I have determined that a Mcafee file is still noted in the registry in autoexec.bat and Mcafee was uninstalled long ago. I don't know why it is now a problem and I also don't know if it is the problem that is causing the pc to not stick when I select normal start.

I have accessed the Microsoft support information that I am so glad to know about. I am trying to edit the registry to remove the file but am not confident that I won't further screw up something else. MS says that one should use the Microsoft user interface rather than edit the registry directly. Can you advise what that means?

They probably mean to use "MSConfig" (the Microsoft interface) rather than "Regedit". This is for the reason that the registry itself is dangerous and can cause windows from not starting up at all if you make improper changes.

Just remember to make a backup of the registry hive before making changes and you should be fine even if you totally mess something up. ~Apex1x
Sattinger's Law:
It works better if you plug it in.
You said:
"a Mcafee file is still noted in the registry in autoexec.bat"

Well, actually the autoexec.bat and config.sys files are startup files but are separate from the registry. You cannot edit them using regedit. Instead you can open them using Notepad or by typing sysedit in the RUN dialog box.

All you need to do is place a REM comment in the beginning of the Mcafee execute line. It would be something like this:


-would become-

REM C:\Progra~1\Networ~1\Mcafee...(etc)

If you ever need to edit the actual registry using regedit, then make a backup first. The easiest way to do that is by typing the following line at the RUN prompt:

regedit /e C:\Regbackup_today's date .reg

--> of course where you replace today's date

With this backup, you can simply double-clik this .REG file anytime to restore the registry.

"The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources."
- A. Einstein
I cannot seem to recall but where are the original registry files located and their names? What are the differences with Win2k, XP, and 98?
This may be useful if you need to replace the registry when you cannot get into windows itself. ~Apex1x
Sattinger's Law:
It works better if you plug it in.
The registry files in Win9x are user.dat and system.dat which are located under C:\Windows.

For DOS commands and how to on NT systems, go here:

"The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources."
- A. Einstein
Hello My Friends,

My diagnostics using MSConfig and selective start are confusing.

1. During bootup, I get a screen to choose one of 6 selections, 1 being normal and 3 being safe mode,shortly after, I get a file name and path, something like c:\program\network\Mcafee\scan.exe\noexpire. I guess this is a registry entry but the file is no longer there since I have uninstalled McAfee. How do I remove the notation in autoexec.bat? using sysedit and adding REM to the from of the file has not worked. Now it shows REM c:\program\--etc during bootup.

2. When I use Selective Startup to diagnose problems for a clean boot,

selecting only System.ini and Win.ini will provide a normal start

selecting either or both config.sys and autoexec.bat will only provide start in safe mode--must be errors in both, so I'm not sure how to proceed. Seems like MS articles assume there will be an error in just one file.

What am I missing?

Thanks for your time and help.


1. Placing REM at the beginning of the command line will disable it effectively. The reason why you still see it displayed on the screen during bootup is because REM stands for Remark. Remarks are displayed as comments on the screen. If you don't want to see it, simply put echo off on the line right above it.

2. Are there any other lines in autoexec.bat besides the one you told us about? Is the config.sys file blank? I would make copies of both files, then empty the originals so they're blank. Try a normal startup and see if it works now. If not, something else is obviously the problem.

Do you have any entries next to load= or run= in the Win.ini?

"The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources."
- A. Einstein
Hello cdogg

Sorry, been away from the pc for awhile.

I cut and pasted autoexec.bat and config.sys files to notepad using sysedit. Did not seem to have any effect.

I get notes that the system has made backup copies of the files so they're probably still in use.

At boot up, I also get a note of a bad command on an DOS audio device driver.

The echo off took care of the listing of the Mcafee file that was showing at boot up.

I think that these listings at boot up may be a symptom but are not the problem which is the pc will not stick in normal boot mode and reverts to selective start and will not boot in other than safe mode when all checks are cleared in msconfig or when only autoexec.bat and msconfig are checked.

The pc seems to run ok with this problem so maybe it,s not a problem.

I reinstalled my old Norton anti virus program also that had no effect.

Here are copies of the files---


@echo off
@REM Setup for QR, BW & Hibernation

REM Environment Settings For McAfee VirusScan



Thanks for sticking with me.


This is my first time checking this thread in a couple of days...sorry 'bout that. Although, from the last few posts, it looks like you guys have things pretty well in hand. I do agree with cdogg that you can probably do without your CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT entirely. Judging from what you've listed in your last post, the only adverse effect of getting rid of them might be a lack of audio support for your ESS sound card in MS-DOS mode.

In any case, I wish you luck.


I'm trying to remove a program -but first i have to get it out of the start-up sequence. I tried safe and normal mode, but after windows ME loads, it freezes up and i can't do anything (keyboard or mouse).
I can boot up fine, off the floppy or cdrom and i can run normal or safe mode, but in normal and safe mode, i haven't been able to keep the computer running long enough to enter msconfig and do a selective startup.
ANy ideas-batch files, automatic selective start-ups if it's possible, boot disks or use with bootable windows me cd.
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