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runtime error 20567 "page header/footer is larger than page"

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Dec 4, 2001
I have created a Crystal Report in version 8.5 which works fine on my machine. When the report was put up on the network for other users some are getting Runtime error 20567 Page header/footer is longer than page. I have looked at the printer setup on the report and unchecked the default properties,"which was suggested by another suppoert person", and this did not solve the issue.
I know it has been nearly a year since this original thread was posted, but I am just coming across this error now myself, and I can't find any other help on this error.

I think it is related to print drivers, but I'd like to know how to get around that. I can print to one printer just fine, then another one gets the error.

I also found, that if I click OK to the error, then print the report again (without exiting my program), it prints fine. We are printing the report through a Visual Basic executable (runreport.exe)

Can anyone help with this error? The exact error is:
Error in File <path\filename>: Page header or footer longer than a page.

It is a Visual Basic Run-time error '20567'

Thank you
I am afraid I can not be of much help because I am stuck with the same problem.
Tha application I am working uses CR for .NET and needs to print labels. When the labels are printed an exception is generated with the message:
Error in File <path\filename>: Page header or footer longer than a page.

Since I haven't found a way to get rid of header and footers at all, I am pretty much stuck.

I am developing reports using CR for .Net. I faced this problem too. In my report, I am printing some headers on first page only (I can print them using Report Header section, but using RH section, i cannot print the Page Footer details). I found that this error occured when the total height of the PH sections exceeds the total page height (Top Margin + Section heights of all PH sections + Bottom Margins). It was found difficult to set heights. So, I put one dummy blank &quot;Details&quot; section (of small height) and set its &quot;New Page After&quot; property to true. So that the contents after that section starts from the next page only. Just thought this can be helpful to you.

Thanks for your input. I have narrowed it down to the Crystal PrintOut method. I have contacted Crystal, and they are recommending some patch downloads that may fix the problem. I am going to work on installing those on a machine where I can duplicate the problem. I will get back to you with any results.

I feel fairly confident,however, that this is a print driver issue with Crystal Reports.
I have just started a support incident with crystal on this issue as well and would be grateful if anyone hears anything. I also get the reports to run just fine with the asp,net app running on my win xp dev box. But when I run the same reports on the server I get several errors on different reports all related to formatting. I am most often getting Page Header or footer longer than a page and The request could not be submitted for background processing. I am exporting to pdf and the error is thrown just before the export. I am also seeing text clipping on the right margins in the pdf exports which I feel are also related to the print drivers. Will update when I hear back from crystal.

I have downloaded a patch from Crystal:

I don't receive the error anymore, but I am not sure which file fixed the problem. I asked Crystal to tell me which files along with version numbers and dates that were in the patch. They could only give me the file names:
They also stated that it was probably the CRAXDRT.DLL that was updated and fixed the issue as this is the report engine that is called at runtime from VB.

You can try this if you'd like to see if it helps you. We have not installed it at runtime on our system because we will need to test the new CRAXDDRT.DLL with all of our applications to see if the new version affects anything.

We are still using Crystal 8.5
Crystal told me if you are on Crystal 9.0 that you should not get this error. Good luck.
Wow! Well, if Crystal enlightens you on a fix for this for Version 9, please let me know. We'll be upgrading to that, and I'm sure we'll continue to have this problem since you are experiencing it, and you are on Version 9.
I am using Crystal Reports for .Net version (VS .NEt 2002) and i am getting "Page header or footer longer than a page" error message. Have you found anything for solving this problem on this speciffic version of Crystal?
I am getting the same error message using asp.net1.1 and VS 2003:
"Error in File C:\\Projects\\VS.Net1.1\\UKCreditMemoXml\\UkCreditMemo.rpt:\nPage header or footer longer than a page."

The strange thing is that I created a winform application and call both printtoprinter and export with no errors. Both calls operating on same dataset. When I call the exact same code from and asp.net form I get the "Page header or footer longer than a page" error. Why would the crystal engine care if the caller is a winform or webform?
We are still getting this error and we are on Crystal 9 Service Pack 2. There has been no resolution to my knowledge. It's related to how Crystal doesn't work with certain print drivers, but there is no official list from Crystal as to what print drivers they support. We can even download the latest drivers and still have the issue.

It would be nice if they provided us with a list of print drivers they have tested and support so we could pass that along to our users.

There are a lot more print driver issues with Crystal 9 than there were with prior versions. Has to do with the Unicode support.
Dito with CR9 and SP3. Still have this problem on a win2003 server. The report is generated hundreds of times each day and only throws the error about once a day. The work around is to have the use add a line of data to one of many text fields in a sub report. This will allow the report to display without the error. I am again on the support merry go round with BO and starting the process all over again. Not much help so far. working my way up the chain and having to answer all of the foolish questions first. Have noticed also that the font size of the report which gets exported as pdf appears smaller on my XP box than on the win2003 box. Have compared all relevant dll's and have the same printer installed as default. Has been a low priority lately but still quite annoying.
i have managed to get round this problem by setting two parameters in the code when i generate my report:

myReport.PrintOptions.PaperOrientation = PaperOrientation.Landscape;
myReport.PrintOptions.PaperSize= PaperSize.PaperA4;

then i databind and its all cool....

powerful, but nightmare to use, the old CR.Net :)

i'm getting a Engine.DataSourceException : Search Motor Error (translated from french...)
when trying to use the pull method... anyone help??
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