I am using version 8.5. I am trying to create a formula that indicates if a record was closed in <= 9 days after the beginning of the group week date. I am using a group based on received date with the "for each week" option selected. The formula simply establishes a value of 1 if the closed date <= 9 days from group week date and 0 if not. The formula returns the proper values but I can not then sum the total for closed (i.e. = 1) or create a running total (in fact the formula is not even available when creating a running total or through insert summary). Below is the formula but I think I am missing a basic concept of how Crystal utilizes formulas that incorporate values from across records.
if {@Closed Date} - 9 <= cdate(GroupName ({@Recv Date}, "weekly"))
then 1
else 0
if {@Closed Date} - 9 <= cdate(GroupName ({@Recv Date}, "weekly"))
then 1
else 0