I have 30 day report that's grouped age and then by date (ascending). I can do running total by day of the week ( I.E. Monday or Tuesday) That's sums all the Mondays into a total. But what would like to do is average by group (GF2). When change the sum field to average its taking from the details section. and of course when try to change field to summarize to group total, it tells me invalid field selection.
Okay, well the thing is I am looking at your data and group 2 is not the day of the week but the date because the days repeat in group 2. Is that right? or am I missing something.
Okay, my brain must have not been in gear, because I just now get what you want now. I'm usually better than that - I plead heavy-duty cold medication.
What you need is to divide the total sum of dials by the number of groups in Group2.
Create a running total: Grp2Cnt
Insert Running Total
Summary - Field to Summarize Table.Date Field in Group2
Evaluate - For Each Record
Reset - On Change of Group 1 Field
You need to do a manual average:
Sum({Table.Dials},{Table.Group_1_Field) / Grp2Cnt
Place that field in Group Footer 1.
This should do it. Takes the sum of the dials for Group 1 and divides by the number of groups in Group 2.
Hope that is right and that it is what you are looking for. Sorry for the misdirection in the beginning.
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