I am trying to debug the following code and I get a Error code "run time error 3131 syntax error in 'FROM' clause" it looks perfect to me any suggestions. The code breaks on db.execute sSQL.
Thanks a million
I am trying to debug the following code and I get a Error code "run time error 3131 syntax error in 'FROM' clause" it looks perfect to me any suggestions. The code breaks on db.execute sSQL.
Function AuditEditBegin(sTable As String, sAudTmpTable As String, sKeyField As String, _
lngKeyValue As Long, bWasNewRecord As Boolean) As Boolean
'On Error GoTo Err_AuditEditBegin
'Purpose: Write a copy of the old values to temp table.
' It is then copied to the true audit table in AuditEditEnd.
'Arugments: sTable = name of table being audited.
' sAudTmpTable = name of the temp audit table.
' sKeyField = name of the AutoNumber field.
' lngKeyValue = Value of the AutoNumber field.
' bWasNewRecord = True if this was a new insert.
'Return: True if successful
'Usage: Called in form's BeforeUpdate event. Example:
' bWasNewRecord = Me.NewRecord
' Call AuditEditBegin("tblInvoice", "audTmpInvoice", "InvoiceID", Me.InvoiceID, bWasNewRecord)
Dim db As DAO.Database ' Current database
Dim sSQL As String
'Remove any cancelled update still in the tmp table.
Set db = DBEngine(0)(0)
sSQL = "DELETE FROM " & sAudTmpTable & ";"
db.Execute sSQL
' If this was not a new record, save the old values.
If Not bWasNewRecord Then
sSQL = "INSERT INTO " & sAudTmpTable & " ( audType, audDate, audUser ) " & _
"SELECT 'EditFrom' AS Expr1, Now() AS Expr2, NetworkUserName() AS Expr3, " & sTable & ".* " & _
"FROM " & sTable & " WHERE (" & sTable & "." & sKeyField & " = " & lngKeyValue & ");"
db.Execute sSQL, dbFailOnError
End If
AuditEditBegin = True
Set db = Nothing
Exit Function
End Function
Thanks a million