Ok, this may be a bit newbish of a question. I've downloaded most of the programs, used most of the paths, but everytime I run a perl script, it comes up like an oddly shapen notepad/webpage thing... I have c:/perl/bin/perl.exe but can't figure out what the correct path to my perl is, and why the scripts aren't working locally, but they are on the actualy web.
I have a windows XP, and am trying to convert my site into local PC. The other people are getting the same problem.
#!/usr/local/bin/perl -wc
use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
# Author name:
# Creation date:
# Description:
$lcpassl = lc($INPUT{'passl'});
$lccname = lc($INPUT{'cname'});
$cid = "/user/$lccname/$lcpassl";
$aip = $ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'};
open(DAT, "$cid.txt" @DAT=<DAT>; close DAT;
foreach $line (@DAT) { ($cname, $pass, $sex, $align, $icon, $hcolor, $ecolor, $pet,
$chi, $str, $dex, $luck, $force, $sa, $sl, $race, $job, $email, $age, $rdir, $gold,
$power) = split(/\:\:/, $line); for ($cname, $pass, $sex, $align, $icon, $hcolor,
$ecolor, $pet, $chi, $str, $dex, $luck, $force, $sa, $sl, $race, $job, $email,
$age, $rdir, $gold, $power) {s/^\s+//;s/\s+$//;}}
$lcpass = lc($pass);
open(DEATH, "$rdir/dead.txt"$DEATH = <DEATH>;@DEATH = split /::/, $DEATH;close
foreach $dead (@DEATH) {
if(($lcpass eq $lcpassl) && ($dead ne $lccname)) { print "Set-Cookie: NAME=$cid\n";
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
print "<body bgcolor=\"black\" text=\"white\">";
print "hehe, so cool";
still comes up as this:
thank you for all your future help, yours sincerely, Zas.
Happieness is like peeing your pants.
Everyone can see it, but only you can feel the warmth.
I have a windows XP, and am trying to convert my site into local PC. The other people are getting the same problem.
#!/usr/local/bin/perl -wc
use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
# Author name:
# Creation date:
# Description:
$lcpassl = lc($INPUT{'passl'});
$lccname = lc($INPUT{'cname'});
$cid = "/user/$lccname/$lcpassl";
$aip = $ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'};
open(DAT, "$cid.txt" @DAT=<DAT>; close DAT;
foreach $line (@DAT) { ($cname, $pass, $sex, $align, $icon, $hcolor, $ecolor, $pet,
$chi, $str, $dex, $luck, $force, $sa, $sl, $race, $job, $email, $age, $rdir, $gold,
$power) = split(/\:\:/, $line); for ($cname, $pass, $sex, $align, $icon, $hcolor,
$ecolor, $pet, $chi, $str, $dex, $luck, $force, $sa, $sl, $race, $job, $email,
$age, $rdir, $gold, $power) {s/^\s+//;s/\s+$//;}}
$lcpass = lc($pass);
open(DEATH, "$rdir/dead.txt"$DEATH = <DEATH>;@DEATH = split /::/, $DEATH;close
foreach $dead (@DEATH) {
if(($lcpass eq $lcpassl) && ($dead ne $lccname)) { print "Set-Cookie: NAME=$cid\n";
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
print "<body bgcolor=\"black\" text=\"white\">";
print "hehe, so cool";
still comes up as this:
thank you for all your future help, yours sincerely, Zas.
Happieness is like peeing your pants.
Everyone can see it, but only you can feel the warmth.