Hey Everyone,
I'm working in Access 2000 trying to automate the creation of some data between two databases. I'm trying to execute a macro in another Access database when a user clicks a command button. My DAO knowledge is limited at best but I've searched all over this forum to gather as much knowledge as possible. I believe once you establish a DAO connection between the two databases you should be able to execute the macro as if it were in the current database but that's not working out for me.
Here's my code I'm using:
Dim dbExt As DAO.Database
Dim qdf As DAO.QueryDef
Dim strDbName As String
strDbName = "Mark To Market.mdb"
Set dbExt = OpenDatabase(strDbName, False, False, ";PWD=password")
Set qdf = dbExt.QueryDefs("MTM - CDSdata - 10 - All CDS after given date")
qdf.Parameters("anchordate") = Me.Text12.Value
DoCmd.RunMacro ("MTM - Get CDScurve")
After clicking the button a make-table query is executed in the other database and this works fine but when I comment out that section just to try the macro execution I get the following error:
Run-time error '2485':
Microsoft Office Access can't find the macro 'MTM - Get CDScurve.'
The macro does exist and I've tried another macro but same error. I'm kind of at lost to why it's not working.
Thanks for any help!
I'm working in Access 2000 trying to automate the creation of some data between two databases. I'm trying to execute a macro in another Access database when a user clicks a command button. My DAO knowledge is limited at best but I've searched all over this forum to gather as much knowledge as possible. I believe once you establish a DAO connection between the two databases you should be able to execute the macro as if it were in the current database but that's not working out for me.
Here's my code I'm using:
Dim dbExt As DAO.Database
Dim qdf As DAO.QueryDef
Dim strDbName As String
strDbName = "Mark To Market.mdb"
Set dbExt = OpenDatabase(strDbName, False, False, ";PWD=password")
Set qdf = dbExt.QueryDefs("MTM - CDSdata - 10 - All CDS after given date")
qdf.Parameters("anchordate") = Me.Text12.Value
DoCmd.RunMacro ("MTM - Get CDScurve")
After clicking the button a make-table query is executed in the other database and this works fine but when I comment out that section just to try the macro execution I get the following error:
Run-time error '2485':
Microsoft Office Access can't find the macro 'MTM - Get CDScurve.'
The macro does exist and I've tried another macro but same error. I'm kind of at lost to why it's not working.
Thanks for any help!